CFUD Application #2

Mar 13, 2011 03:29

Character: Black★Star
Series: Soul Eater
Character Age: 13
Canon: Ever wonder what a Grim Reaper looks like? If you're picturing a scary-looking skeleton holding the classic scythe to reap souls, think again! In the world of Soul Eater, the Grim Reaper is a benevolent entity with huge hands and a tendency to joke around and be silly. In addition to that, he's quite fond of protecting the world. So fond, in fact, that he founded a school specifically to train children to defeat monsters and witches alike in order to prevent a Demon God from being born once again. In addiction to collecting souls of corrupted humans in order to create a "Death Scythe" and occasionally saving the world, the students also learn important lessons that range from the dangers of insanity to the importance of both fear and courage.

Loud and self-absorbed, Black★Star is probably the single most annoying human being anyone could ever meet. Not only does he love to brag about anything and everything, Black★Star also has a tendency to think of himself as a STAR and as a result, he tends to see other people as "small" compared to his great self- in fact, he actually refers to himself as "my great self" and frequently calls other people "small ones". Incredibly full of himself and with a far too inflated ego, he constantly tries to get in the spotlight and grab everyone's attention. Despite that, he isn't overly concerned about other people's opinions of him and still does whatever he wants without caring too much. Although he may be incredibly irritating and immature, deep down Black★Star is a really good guy who'd do anything for the people he cares for, including use his own body to protect his weapon. Sure, he's the kind of guy who prefers to look like a complete idiot and pretend he's not concerned about anything at all, but he really does care, even if he's not exactly open about that..

Sample Post:

Oi, Director! You better listen to me, 'cause the great Black★Star isn't going to repeat himself! Heh, you kidnapped me because you heard of my greatness, didn't you? Tch, don't get me wrong: I'm not going to forgive you for that. Even if I understand why you did it, kidnapping my big self like this was wrong! But I know why you did that- you needed me. This place is so bad, even by small people's standards, so you brought me here in hope that people will find a reason to come here! It sure was a great idea, but someone as great as I am isn't going to waste his time in here for long, small one.

But there's no need to worry! I felt generous, so my great self already thought of a solution. Sure, this place is never going to become as awesome as I am, but with the stuff I changed, it'll be close enough! You're curious to hear, aren't you?! Heheheh, fine, I'll go on! First thing I did- I made sure to write my autograph everywhere I could! That way, everyone who comes to this farm will know someone as big as me was here before! No need to say anything, I know what you're thinking now. You're worried about people who will see this place from above, huh. Of course this great me thought of that, too. That's why I cut the crops in the cornfields to make them into the shape of my autograph. Aren't you amazed by my great genius?! Kyahahah!

Yeah, I know, that's not going to be enough. Even with my mark all around this place, if I'm not here, people won't have a reason to come! Knowing you'd lose your fame if the signs of my presence were to disappear, I told the gorillas to remodel that silo so it'd look like a giant Black★Star, so small guys like you can think I'm always watching them. Since I'm a man who can defeat the gods, something like that sure is fitting! For me to give you permission to use my great image for your small farm- you must be overwhelmed with feelings of gratitude, huh!? Don't worry, that's normal. Everyone can't help but feel overwhelmed by my great figure once they see me, heheh!

And with a representation of my big self here and all of my autographs, you won't have anything to worry about anymore, Director! I bet that in no time people will start calling this "Black★Star's Great Farm For People Who Are Trying To Be As Big As Him But Never Will Be Since He's The One And Only King Above And Below The Skies. Nice Try Though"! It sure sounds better than "Camp Fuck You Die", heh! Oh yeah, I forgot to say. Don't bother moving away that giant octopus thing on top of the silo; it's not going to ruin my awesome silo statue. I told the gorillas to just make sure it'll change position to look like my hair on it. I know, I know- pure genius!

Voting went on HERE, 96.2% - 50 INs 2 OUTs

application, cfud

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