June Quote

Sep 07, 2015 18:06

Title Wan-chan

Author landofthekwt

Rating K

Prompt June: Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'! Audrey Hepburn

Word Count 1185

Warning none

Summary Musushito meets Sesshoumaru's heir

The Inutachi gathered to celebrate the Shihi -Go-San of Musushito at the taijiya village. The boy was five today and his proud parents had sent invitations far and wide. One of these even reached Rin in the Western Shiro.

She packed up the family and flew on Ah-Un to the big event Sesshoumaru accompanied them no longer trusting humans to care for his Rin an his heir. He was there against his will, but Rin wanted to be there and Rin always got her way.

Ah-Un was parked far enough outside the village to avoid problem with humans Jaken was left to watch over was met with scowling faces The taijiya knew what he was Youki flared from him in waves until Rin forced him to stop.

Even though the chief's wife was half demon and her son a quarter demon, there was still a healthy resentment of youkai in the were after all demon slayers dedicated to killing youkai and protecting that people from youkai it seemed wrong the boy they were recognizing today was a youkai

Musushtio wandered around the village. He wa dressed in a hakama for the very first time. Although the village idid not have a shrine the ceremony would be performed jointly by Aunt Kaogome, a miko and Uncle Miroku , a Buddhist monk

With them would come numerous cousins He was particularly looking forward to showing Aunt Sango how fine a taijiya he was Although he was no match for her children, he was proud of what and who he was. Today he would be recognized

As he walked through the village, he happened upon three person headed toward the chief's house There was a short young woman in a junihitoe. A hime maybe. A tall inuyoukai daiyoukai with a sword that shouted death by the thousands and a sword that whispered life.

He was proud of his discovery. His father had worked hard with him to know his youkai and the weapons they possessed. This youkai he knew from his father's stories was Sesshoumaru Lord of the West. His father was a little intimidated by him having followed him into hell and fought along side him in the final battle.

Straggling behind the man and woman was a lttle boy or girl with long lblack hair dressed in a kimono of silk befitting a prince. His kimono was pure white with a mon similar to the daiyoukai's. He was no doubt the offspring of the hime and the daiyoukai. Worse yet even to Musushito's nose he smelled like a dog.

The boy was trailing further and further behind. A smile came over Musushio's face. Time to have some fun before the boring ceremony. If he could beat a daiyoukai's son he could impress even Aunt Sango and those bratty girls. Time to go for broke. He grabbed the boy's sleeve.

The boy turned to look at him and his parents became lost in the crowd. Musushito used his most sarcastic voice " Hey Wan-chan, bet you can't beat me"

The boy turned annoyed and yelled " I am not a puppy"

Musushito laughed " Yes you are I can even see your puppy ears though you are trying to hide them. I am the taijiya whose ceremony is today. I bet that Iyou can't reach the banner that is flying over the fort before I can stop me"

The hanyou stopped in his tracks How did he know? His ears should be hidden to all humans. His mother had styled his hair in such a manner as to make it hard as to make him pass for human. Yet this boy mocked him for his ears and called him "Wan-chan" He was going down. "You're on."

Musushito smirked at the boy " Here are the rules. I give you a ten second head start. I have to track you. I can't go directly to the flag. Stopping you means keeping you from getting the flag by any means necessary. Once I have stopped you I win Start now"

The hanyou raced ahead. He was graced with his father's speed. No way the other boy could track him. It was just a matter of getting to the flag. Simple easy. He would be back with his trophy before his mother noticed.

The road before him was a maze of winding paths between houses. He would run through the garbage and slops thrown out in the street No way even a taijiya could track him through such a mess. This was going to be so easy.

Musushito laughed as he saw the path his opponent was taking. Taijiya did not track by scent. Only a dog would think like that . His foe really was a puppy. Tracking was what a taijiya did. The signs that Wan-chan left were so plain that even a child could see them.

The hanyou. changed form. Once he was in dog form he could run faster. The taijiya had never seen him in his true form. Did not even know that a hanyou could have a true form While the other looked for a boy, he would run right past him to the flag.

Musushito puzzled then smiled. Not only did Wan-chan think lke a dog, he was a dog. Swithng forms was not a way to get away from The boy's steps stopped and the dog's paw prints begin. Did the puppy think he was an idiot. He would show him. Taking off his haori he spread his wings in pursuit of the dog.

The puppy could hear wings flapping behind him. He sped up . No way that the taijijya would beat him. Looking up he saw a boy with bat wings swooping in on him. He felt the talons digging into his fur. This would not do. He must fight as human.

Just as Musushito seized his prize he felt himself being dragged down to earth. He would have to fight the boy on the ground instead of the air. Folding his wings, he fell on top of the boy. Over and over they rolledinto a mud puddle.

Soon they were both covered with mud. Unrecognizable even to their mothers. The white silk kimono was now black. The new hakama was stained with mud. Still they would not stop. Winning the fight was only thing on their minds until

Two sets of hands reached down to seize the boys. They resisted kicking and screaming at each other. It was only when their fathers yelled at them to stop that they realized what they had done Even then Musushito stuck out his tongue at the boy as he was hauled away by his father

The ceremony was cancelled. Later that night, after the boys were scrubbed and punished thery were brought together to apologize. As they bowed , Musushito whispered " That was most fun I ever had, Wan-chan Next time we will not be interrupted"

The hanyou smiled "Next time I will get your flag , taijiya"

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