Title: The Shattered Mirror Word count: 836 Prompt: Cheer Universe: Canon Rating: T Warnings: Innuendo, gore, profanity Summary: The final battle between Inuyasha and Houki.
Title: Waning Crescent Author: marishaten Genre: Dark Prompt: Teammate Word count: 495 Universe: Canon Rating: K+ Summary: Houki laments her loss of powers as Inuyasha advances through the Corridors of Darkness.
Title: The Voice of Houki Author: marishaten Prompt: Wolf’s Den Word count: 500 Universe: Canon Rating: T Warning: Blood, torture Summary: Kagome is being tortured by Houki.
Title: Inevitable Love Author: marishaten Prompt and Word Count: Destiny - 124 Characters: Inuyasha and Kagome Warnings: None Summary: Inuyasha cannot deny his feelings for Kagome.