Feb 04, 2006 23:22
Yea...so basically today was awesome and then it came down so fast. Wait, that is the story of my life, right?
Started off, by my mom telling me that I was going to drive to practice. It was okay, and then drove to Madison's. I realized I don't like to drive. My mom makes fun of me for it...she was like you will like it better the more you practice. How am I supposed to practice if you trust my sister on the road more than me? I can't drive the same time she is.
Went to Madison's today to work on the English project. It was great fun...wow. Making the puppets and then the fumes off the spray paint from Pat and Matt. And Ben's script of Macbeth meets the Christmas Carol. It was just hilarious. and we are going back on Tuesday to finish the puppets and script then Thrusday to finish the set. heh
Then is when the fun started. I had Madi's mom take me to Montana Mike's where my sister and mom were. Yea, we were meeting some people from the internet. Yea, it was creepy. The mom looked like she was trying too hard and the guy was umm...wierd and the little boy was...well I don't like kids. and then some fucking little baby was screaming at the table next to us. Yea, I wanted to put the knife through my hand. I was pretty pissed, but I was hungry so I ate instead of talked.
Went to my grandma's that part wasn't bad because I love my grandparents and Max. Not to mention that house feels more like home then the one I live in. Came home.
My mom went straight back to the computer. It's her life, more than my sister and I. We sat on the couch and watched the style channel...something about the top 25 something on the runway, then we watched That's So Raven, Legally Blonde, and then Annie. Yea, some night at home. We went to bed about 9:30 out of boredom. I couldn't sleep. Rachelle texted me at like 10:30, so I got out of bed to answer the text...my mom had some guy over. great. so now here I am almost an hour later with a game at 12:50 tomorrow and then again at 5:10 that I don't want to play. Yea. Great story, huh? Yea, I know it's pathetic, but welcome to my life. This week has been so wierd, like it truly seems to be spinning out of control and I can't tell her how I feel because I value my life and some of the privilages I have, but it's almost getting annoying...wait, it is annoying.
*sigh* dammit.