So I finally had that follow-up visit after my breast ultra-sound. BTW, it was glad to see that I wasn't the only one who was a little confused that they only did the ultra-sound and not the mammogram. The doctor said the instructions were rather confusing and contradictory. Anyway, the good news is that the doc is pretty sure there's nothing to worry about. The last time she explained the stages of concern over these things as (1) There is no information (2) Normal (3) Cause for some concern and need to look further (this is where I was last visit) - and on up to 6 which is yeah, full blown inoperable cancer. I've been downgraded to defcon 2. They still want an ultra-sound when I have my yearly mammogram in June but unless something else pops up I'm in the clear. They made the remark that is was so nice to give good news. I feel like I dodged a bullet.
On the feline front, Phouka-the-cat is perpetually ravenous! Now that he's older (he's 12 now) and has trouble with constipation (he's always had really hard poop), he gets a generous tablespoon of can food twice a day with a little Miralax and extra water mixed in. Often he would lick all the moisture off of it and then 'usually' come back and finish it all off. Sometimes he would leave it. And he always has dry food available. But for the last few weeks he's snarfed if all down immediately and then rooted the dish aside looking for any little wet blobs that fell onto the mat. Then he'll stalk me for more, meowing pathetically like he's starving. So I started giving him larger portions and then started feeding him during the middle of the day when I get home. He's healthy as a horse (other than the poop issue) and he's not losing weight so whatever. Food is cheap enough. But he's going to kill me if he doesn't stay out from under my feet in the morning when I'm no yet coherent and walking straight. And speaking of dying, if I do drop dead and no one notices for several days I have a feeling I'll definitely be a kitty buffet. Don't think badly of him because I'll certainly be beyond caring!
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