(no subject)

Apr 10, 2014 17:11

I went and saw Winter Soldier and I liked it a lot.

I also stopped and got my long overdue hair-cut. I was very iffy about the way it looked at the salon but she did as I asked and trimmed it nice and even and I couldn't seem to articulate just what I felt was 'off' about it so I just let it go. I knew part of it was that I washed and conditioned my hair last night and let it dry naturally without blow-drying. The conditioning and no heat drying always leaves my hair feeling superfine and rather flat. Add to that the fact that I slept on it and my hair was a little wonky to begin with. She didn't shampoo my hair (didn't really need it and I was going to shower as soon as I got home anyway), but she didn't do more than barely mist it. She mostly cut it dry. But she was super careful about getting everything even. Just a little off.

Well, after I got home, showered and shampooed and blew dry my hair I'm a lot more satisfied. It's still a touch longer and fluffier than usual but it actually looks a little more feminine than a fresh cut on me usually does. So over all I'm satisfied.

I forgot to stop by the health food store and pick up a fresh container of wheatgrass for Phouka. I'm starting to fear for the health of my emerging snow pea vines. I keep finding him hovering over them. I'll definitely have to swing by tomorrow after my plasma appointment. And speaking of Phouka, it's a puzzlement to me why it took me literally years to convince him that the sound of a can opener did not mean canned food for him. I don't know where he got the idea because I've near - to my knowledge - fed him from a can that didn't have a pull top. OTOH, he can tell the difference between the sound of a cat food can being pulled open and a soup can being opened. Cats are such weird little spazzes with pretensions of elegance.

phouka the cat, captain america winter soldier

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