Jul 07, 2012 20:20
There's a cool front on the way and I have hopes that it's coming more quickly than anticipated. According to the online weather it's supposed to be down to 99 by 9 pm but it's only 8:25 and it's already 91! Anything to break this wretched heat wave so many of us have been suffering from. I'm lucky, I haven't lost power and I have a/c at home (just not in the car). We're supposed to have thunderstorms tonight and we desperately need the rain, but I sure as hell hope it doesn't knock out my power. And I'd like to thank those of you in the Pacific NW for not bemoaning your slow-coming summer. That would just be like pouring salt in the wound.
On the 4th of July, in one of the apartment complexes closer to work that seems to house more than its fair share of Walmart employees, there was a fire. One whole building was lost to fire. No one died but two of the older, middle-aged ladies that I work with lost everything. I'll give Walmart one thing, for all the shit it deals out to their employees, it does maintain an Associate's Fund. They contribute to it and actively encourage employees to hold sales, etc. to help fill the coffers. So in addition to the Red Cross money that the ladies got immediately, there was money enough at the store the next morning to help them buy the essentials that they were completely missing.
Note to self: I desperately need to get renter's insurance! It's extremely stupid and short-sighted of me not to have it.
I was going to have the sibling over today but I called last night and postponed until next weekend once I found out that there was going to be a break in the weather. He was happy to oblige because he was feeling just a tad under the weather (not enough to stop him from coming just enough to keep him from totally enjoying himself). And I was glad I cancelled, too when I got a rare headache this afternoon and an even more rare 'sick' headache - the kind that makes me feel vaguely nauseous. The headache is gone now but the vague feeling of nausea is still present. Dinner was a small bowl of bland instant mashed potatoes. I hope this doesn't turn into a 'thing'.
I used to have headaches all the time, like a day without a headache was unusual. I was probable 30 years old before I realized that everyone wasn't like that, that some people go months without a headache. In my early 40s when I began going through menopause (women in my family start early and it lingers for several years), my body chemistry changed enough that, other than occasional sinus headaches, I pretty much became blessedly headache free. I maybe have one every couple of months now.
I'm still climbing the family tree and being constantly surprised. I'll make a post about it separately tomorrow to save the disinterested, but I'm hoping there are some history nerds out there (we're kind of few and far between!) to geek-out with me over some of my finds. The latest? French Huguenots!
And still we have stragglers with firecrackers out there. *sigh*
family tree,
the brother,
walmart sometimes doesn't suck,
sick me