Leave Me Dripping

Apr 20, 2012 22:07

Author: Odd
Title: Leave Me Dripping
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,600
Summary: Puck gives Sebastian three seconds. Sebastian wants a lot more.
Warnings: masturbation, watersports, humiliation, rough sex, unrealistic sex, possible dubcon (depending on how you take it)
Notes: So.  I'm doing this thing where I'm trying to force myself to do new things and go out of my comfort zone.  This *definitely* qualifies.  I'm not really a fan of "warning" for sexual content, but seriously - don't blame me for what follows if you didn't read them.

Sebastian pulled his shirt over his head and threw it at the wall before throwing himself upon the bed and staring at the ceiling.  He wasn't sure why he was having such a hard time clearing his head of the moment that had just happened on his way out of the mall, but part of him didn't really want to.

"You got three seconds before this gets ugly."

The words echoed in his head as he pictured the look in Puck's eyes when he'd caught Sebastian sneaking a peek in the bathroom.  He didn't usually do such things - he was a Smythe, after all - but there was something about the classless fool Sebastian found appealing.  Not his hair (and really, wasn't even Ohio past such a tired look?) and not his style, but definitely something.

He thought back to it again. The way he hadn't bothered to hide his interest.  The way Puck, instead of threatening him, had simply held his cock out with one hand, the other arm braced against the tile wall in front of him.

"Can't blame you for wanting to see.  I don't even like dudes and I know it's a dick worth looking at."

The brusque matter-of-factness of it had sent a thrill along Sebastian's spine as he allowed his eyes to linger on it for the time allotted him, savoring every detail and committing it to memory for later use.  It was hard to get a complete read on it flaccid, but he could see enough to know he'd like to see more.   The deep coloring of it, darkest at the head where it swelled magnificently, and the thick solidness that promised any number of wishes granted to those lucky enough to get closer than the next urinal over.

"Visiting hours are over," Puck had said, running his thumb quickly along the length as he turned back to the wall and began to relieve himself.  "Unless you get off on this kind of thing."

Sebastian had protested of course, and zipped himself back in before he got hard enough to be obvious, but even as he did it, he felt a tugging at the corner of his mind that told him otherwise.

Now, on his bed in nothing but his briefs, he played it in his head over and over again.  How perfect Puck's cock had been.  How the first thing Sebastian had thought when he saw it was how much he wanted to feel its weight against his tongue.  How tempted he'd been to move behind Puck and hold it for him.

As the visuals flew through his mind, he did his best to avoid focusing on the other thing he kept imagining.   The thing that somehow seemed to kick his urges into a higher gear than usual.  That thing he wasn't supposed to want, but couldn't help thinking he did.

He bent his knees and dug the back of his head into his pillows as he reached for his cock and began to palm it through the thin fabric of his briefs.  "Pretend it's his," he whispered to himself.  "Pretend you're him."  His toes curled, gripping the messy sheet of the unmade bed as the knuckles turned white with tension.  It felt good.   He always felt good when he touched himself.

So why wasn't it enough?

He tried again, licking his palm before reaching into his underwear to grip himself more firmly, imagining the two of them jerking each other off as they slumped against the corner, too focused on making each other feel good to bother remaining upright without support.  Puck would look amazing during sex.  The way his dark eyes would become hooded with lust as he looked at his partner, daring them to last longer than he could.

Sebastian grunted and rolled over onto his front, knees bent and ass in the air as his fantasy shifted.  Puck was fucking him now.  Hard and fast and so fucking deep Sebastian thought he might actually want to break his rule of 'never more than once.'  He reached a hand to tease himself, but again - he couldn't coax the response he knew he could if he just-

-went there.

He turned over once more and closed his eyes as he went back to that moment.  Not the one where Puck had so brazenly invited him to look, but the moment he'd turned around and begun doing what he'd come there for in the first place.

Sebastian had seen a lot of dick in his day, and he was no stranger to the more common - if less enticing - uses of the public men’s room.

So why had seeing Puck begin to relieve himself caused such a reaction in him?

He couldn't wrap his head around it, but it was undeniable.  As beautiful as Puck's cock had been (and dear lord had it been gorgeous), it had become at least twice as enticing when Sebastian heard the first splash of liquid hitting porcelain. It had sounded solid, if liquid could be said to sound in such a way, and the accompanying smell, thick and acrid and strangely like the man producing it, coming out of that beautiful cock so close enough to touch-

Sebastian gasped as he felt a familiar tingle run through him.  This was what he'd been going for earlier.  The buzz that danced along his skin and made him want to stretch out and curl up tightly all at once because he was feeling too damn much to do anything else.

He bit his lip as he shoved off his briefs and hooked his thumb over his cock, leaving his fingers to gently stroke his balls.  Yes.  This was working.  This was how he'd wanted to feel.  This was how it was right.

He parted his lips to let his tongue flick out and glide slowly over his lips, savoring the slick feeling it left him with.  He pictured himself getting to his knees in the men’s room earlier.  Pictured himself licking the inside of Puck's thigh as he relieved himself.  Pictured himself breathing it all in and -

Licking him clean when he was done.

His knees bent without warning, and he felt himself arch upward with a need for something more, and he pushed on.  Pictured himself looking up into Puck's eyes as his tongue swirled around the damp head, collecting the last few bitter drops before wrapping around it tightly and slowly working it to full hardness inside his mouth.  The usual tastes of sweat and precome blending together with something both new and familiar as Sebastian showed him just how much he was missing.  How much he could have, if he'd only let himself.

The scene inside his head shifted.  Now, they were on a bed in some scummy motel like a hundred he'd been in before with other, faceless men and boys who were only good for the hour the room was theirs.  Puck wouldn't be like that, though.  He'd be worth so much more.  He'd be able to give Sebastian what he really wanted - needed - in a way the others never had.

Sebastian pictured himself handcuffed to the bed, arms flung far and wide above his head as Puck stared down at him.  "Is this what you want?" he'd ask, running his thumb over his flaccid length the same way he had that afternoon.  Sebastian would nod, unable to speak, and with a smirk, Puck would take himself in hand and give into a different kind of release than Sebastian was used to experiencing.  A pale yellow film would fall over his skin as Puck rained down upon him, and Sebastian would twist wildly beneath it as he ached for a release of his own.

Puck would kneel between Sebastian's thighs and run one hand over his wet torso, rubbing the liquid into his skin as he strained against the cuffs.  "You're just a dirty little fucktoy, aren't you?" Puck would ask, looking at him with those eyes that never meant anything less than business.  "You love it when I treat you like the piece of shit you are," he'd say, bringing his hand up to Sebastian's mouth and forcing three dripping fingers into it until he almost gagged.

He'd get used to it, though, and when he did, Puck would reward him by producing a jar of Vaseline and giving himself the barest of coatings before shoving Sebastian's legs upward and forcing himself inside.  He wouldn't bother prepping him, and the Vaseline wouldn't be quite enough, but Sebastian?  He wouldn't fucking care.  Not when he was being used so expertly by the one person he'd ever met who might be even better at using people than he was.

Later, when they'd both come and Puck had fallen upon him in a mess of sweat and sex and…other things (because Puck was no more a cuddler than Sebastian was, but they would both need some time to come down from the high of it all), they would kiss just once, deep and hard and tasting of every part of the human body possible.

"Three seconds," Puck would say. "That's all youi're gonna get."

Sebastian opened his eyes and found himself back in his bedroom, covered with sweat and sheets tangled around his legs.  Two fingers of his left hand lay filthy against his thigh, and his right was slick and wet with come.  He lifted it to his lips and ran it against his mouth and if he tried to imagine a different, thinner substance was responsible for the wetness…well, no one else had to know.

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character: puck, rating: nc-17, character: sebastian

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