Truth Or Dare (NC-17)

Apr 15, 2012 19:35

Author: Odd
Title: Truth or Dare
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,900
Summary: What happens in a game of Truth or Dare stays in Truth or Dare. Or: 'The One Where Everyone Thinks Tina's Hot (Especially Santana)'
Warnings: girl on girl, exhibitionism, infidelity with partner's consent (don't know how else to put it), sex in front of an audience (and technically some audience participation).
Notes: Quick and dirty and written to try and break my current block. :>

"No," Tina laughed, putting her hands up in front of herself. "No no no no no no no! I am not answering that!"

Kurt tilted his head and smirked. "What's wrong, Tina? It's a pretty tame question, compared to some of the other things we've heard tonight."

"It's private," Tina insisted, blushing furiously as she clung to Mike and buried her face in the sleeve of his sweater.

"And telling everyone Kurt and I have matching dildos wasn't?" Blaine asked. "It's 'Truth or Dare,' Tina. It's supposed to be embarrassing."

"It's just…" Tina groaned before looking up into her boyfriend's eyes. "Promise you won't get mad?" she asked him, shaking her head rapidly when his eyes grew wide. "Not that. This isn't something I've told you before."

"I thought you knew you could tell me anything," Mike said quietly, looking at her in a way that made everyone else disappear for a moment. "Anything."

"I want to try it with a girl," Tina blurted, cheeks puffing and eyes widening the second the words were out of her mouth. "I'm so, so sorry, Mike. It's got nothing to do with you or how I feel about you, I'm just…curious."

"It's okay," he laughed, stroking her hair reassuringly. "When we made our lists, I never said yours had to be all guys. We're young, we're still figuring things out, and I think it's good to be honest about it." He bent and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "I'm glad you told me."

"I have the best boyfriend," Tina cooed, wrapping her arms tightly around his waist and leaning I close. "Best. Boyfriend. Ever."

"I'd like to argue that," both Blaine and Kurt said at the same time before giving each other a quick kiss and falling backward in a fit of drunken giggles. The game began to break down at that point, each question and dare getting sillier and ruder as the night wore on. Before an hour was over, everyone knew that Finn cried when he came, Rachel's nipples looked like pencil erasers, Quinn kept her pubic hair trimmed in a perfect landing strip, and Artie really enjoyed giving head. Then, there were the dares. Puck and Sugar traded underwear. Kurt faked an orgasm that had Blaine squirming until they not-so-discreetly ran upstairs to Kurt's room a minute later. Sam found out how many ping pong balls he could fit in his mouth (five).

Tina, much to her horror, had ended up naked. "Come on," Puck had groaned when she protested. "You and Sugar are the only chick in glee I've never dated, but since I'm wearing her panties, I guess I can still technically say I've been in her pants."

She'd protested a little, but all the Jell-O shots earlier had done a number on her inhibitions, and when she saw how the other guys were all looking hopefully in her direction, she shrugged and lifted her dress over her head. "What happens in 'Truth or Dare' stays in 'Truth or Dare', right? Promise none of you are going to sneak pictures with your phones?"

"Here," Puck said, pulling his from his pocket and throwing it into the middle of the circle everyone was forming.

One by one, the other guys all pitched their own in, as well, followed soon after by the girls. "Can't be too safe," Rachel said as hers became the last to join the pile.

"Alright," Tina said, taking a deep breath as she unhooked her bra and let it fall to the floor, then stood up and hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her panties. She was just psyching herself up to pull them down when she heard a voice and snapped her head up to meet a pair of eyes at the opposite side of the circle.

"You shouldn't be embarrassed," Santana said, causing her to pause and catch her breath. "You have an amazing body."

"Whatever," Tina said, trying to hide how pleased the comment made her as she rolled her panties off of her hips and bent over to pull the down her thighs and step out of them. She knew that bending over like that would give Mike a perfect view of those parts of her that only he was allowed to see, and she felt a little rush of excitement at the thought. 'I wonder if he can see how wet I'm getting,' she thought to herself as she took an extra second bent over to gather her things.

"Mike," she said once she'd retaken her seat beside him. "Truth or dare?"

"Truth," he said quickly. "I don't think I could handle a dare right now."

"Okay," she grinned, surprised at how comfortable she felt. She should have felt hopefully awkward, but being naked in front of everyone was having the opposite effect. She couldn't hide any of the things she felt insecure over, and no one else seemed to notice them. At least, they didn't seem to. "How does it feel to know that at least one guy here is going to think about me later when he jerks off?"

"Feels kind of awesome," he said, taking a drink from his beer bottle and giving the others a superior look. "Because I know that's the closest they're going to get to you." Tina squealed as she grabbed him tight and kissed him hard, the two of them falling into a full-blown makeout session almost instantly.

"As heartwarming as this is," Santana said, "can we get on with it before you two get on each other? Kurt and Blaine have already ditched us, Rachel's about to pass out, and I think Artie might actually be drunk enough to think he can walk. Can we at least wait until we've had some major scandal if we're going to give up before midnight?"

"Fine," Mike groaned, clearly annoyed. "Truth or dare, Santana."

"Dare," she said with a smirk. "Make it a good one."

"Keep yourself busy and give someone a lap dance," Mike said before turning his attention back to Tina. "I'm going to keep myself busy and kiss my girlfriend."

"Oh no you're not," Santana said, getting up from her spot and striding toward them. "You," she said to Tina. "Off of him. Now."

"You're going to give Mike a lap dance?" Tina frowned. She knew Santana liked attention, but interrupting make out time for it was-

"Not him," Santana said, shaking her head and looking at Tina like she's just suggested Mister Schuester was a capable teacher. "You."

"I don't-" Tina began, just before Santana poked a finger at her shoulder and brushed away a lock of hair.

"Yes, you do," Santana interrupted. "Now take a seat, and let me take mine."

Tina looked back to Mike, then Brittany as the first shrugged with surprise and the second grinned and gave a thumb's up. "O-kay," she said, taking a seat in the simple, wooden kitchen chair Puck had just dragged in from the kitchen. The whole situation felt beyond weird, but along with it was a strange sense of empowerment. Tina had spent years faking a stutter to avoid people giving her too much attention. Now, here she was, naked in front of all of her friends and feeling good about it.

Santana stood inches away, back to Tina as she began to sway from side to side. She rested her palms on her thighs and rolled her hips backward, close enough that Tina could touch without stretching her arm an inch. She moved backward and lifted her hair as she lowered herself into Tina's lap, then let it fall in a sheet as she swung her head to the side. The soft ends brushed against Tina's bare breasts, and she gasped at the barely-there touch.

"You said you wanted to know what girls were like," Santana whispered as she flattened herself against Tina's body and leaned her head against her neck. "Lucky you for getting to find out."

Tina sucked in a quick breath and did her best to clamp her thighs together. Santana's body was warm above her, smaller and softer than Mike's. She smelled like incense and tequila, with just a hint of something Tina could only describe as pink that she was pretty sure came from Brittany. "Lucky me," she breathed, placing her hands on Santana's hips before she realized it.

"Bad girl," Santana said in a low voice. "Your other half might get jealous."

"I think I'm okay," Mike said in a slightly higher-than-usual voice when Tina whipped her head around to look at him. "Experimentation, right?"

"Right," Tina said carefully, keeping her eyes locked on his as she slid her hands up and tentatively brushed a fingertip against the bare skin of Santana's abdomen where her tank top had ridden up. "Experimentation."

"Consider me a science lab," Santana said in a voice that seemed to aim for boredom, though the breathy quality of it gave Tina reason to suspect. "Don't be shy."

Mike swallowed as Tina watched, and when he gave a slight nod, she slid her palm flat against Santana's stomach and pressed in. The soft moan that fell from the other girl's lips made Tina feel bold, and when she braved a kiss to Santana's upper arm, she was rewarded with a more pronounced one. Before she could stop herself, Tina snaked her arms around Santana's middle and pulled her in, biting gently at the other girl's shoulder. The grinding got harder, and Tina felt herself grow wetter, and when Santana broke away to spin around and face her, Tina knew what she was going to say even before her mouth was open.

"If you really want to experiment, you might want to get out of that chair."

"Okay," Tina whispered, nodding as she dug her fingers into Santana's hips. "Get up and we'll"

"Wait-" Mike said, snapping her back to earth. "I'm okay with this happening, but only…" he paused, apparently searching for the right words. "I want to be there. You don't have to let me do anything, but I want to be there."

"You can all be there," Tina moaned as Santana tugged on her hand. "We can all be here."

"Look who's decided to open up," Santana grinned, guiding Tina onto the floor and hovering over her. "In more ways than one, I hope."

"What about Brittany?" Tina asked suddenly.

"We have an understanding," Santana told her. "We each have three people we can play with if the opportunity presents itself, and I'd say that having you naked beneath me is pretty damn presentable."

"I'd say you're right," Tina sighed happily as Santana pressed a kiss into the side of her throat. "Tell me what to do?" she asked, suddenly nervous. "I've only ever…with Mike. I don't know how to make you-"

"Don't worry about it," Santana said, closing her off with a deep kiss that sucked the air from Tina's lungs. "I'm hands-on enough for both of us. For now, at least," she said, casting a quick glance Mike's way. "Promise I'll take good care of her."

"Not to be weird or nothin'," Puck chimed in, "but could I like, put your head in my lap?" Tina shot him a disgusted look, and he was quick to continue. "Not to do anything, I just…want to hold it and watch. Before you start calling me a pervert, remember that I can see your goodies better from here."

"Whatever," Tina muttered, annoyed by the interruption. "Just get over here if you want to and quit interrupting."

"Deal," Puck said, bolting across the room and carefully lifting her head to rest against his knee. "This is so going in my sex shark book."

"You can write?" Santana asked, annoyed.

"Ignore him," Tina told her. "Focus on me." She reached up to tangle her hands in Santana's hair, then pulled her in and ran her tongue against Santana's berry-colored lips.

"With pleasure," Santana murmured, leaving s slick of lipgloss against Tina's skin as she dragged her lower lip down Tina's throat and to her left breast, tongue flicking out to trace the small, brown nub of her nipple until it formed a stiff peak. "You have beautiful breasts," she sighed against it as she traced the other with the tip of one finger. "I've always thought so. Ask Britt. We've both talked about it before."

"What else have you talked about?" Tina asked dreamily, her head lolling from side to side in Puck's lap. His leg was warm beneath her head, and the way he was gently carding his fingers through her hair only made the warm rush of contentment and pleasure she was already feeling that much stronger.

"About whether or not you wax," Santana grinned. "Britt won that one."

"I have a fifth sense," Brittany grinned from her spot a few feet away. "I always know."

"I know, Britt-Britt, I'm sorry I doubted you," Santana said roughly. "But right now, I want to focus on something else." She nipped sharply at Tina's nipple and quickly slid down, moving Tina's thighs apart wit one hand. "Hrmmmm…" she hummed with satisfaction as she looked down. "I have a special sense of my own, and it looks like I was right again." She reached out with one hand and cupped Tina gently, causing the warmth radiating off of her to be reflected back. "You have such a pretty pussy," she cooed. "I can't wait to see it up close."

"Then don't," Tina said, reaching out and pushing down on one of Santana's shoulders. "Just do it."

"With pleasure," Santana said, lowering her face between Tina's thighs and blowing on her gently. The puff of air caused the hairs on Tina's arms to stand on end, and she rocked her hips up in response.

When she felt the soft brush of Santana's tongue against her, she reached out with one hand and grabbed tight to Mike's hand. He didn't say a word as he wrapped his fingers tightly around hers, and the squeeze he gave was enough to reassure her that this would be okay. Comforted by Mike's touch, she allowed herself to respond more completely, moaning softly as she felt Santana trace a finger against one of her inner lips and nudge her open. "Please," she rasped, feeling how slick she was as Santana's finger slipped inside.

"Patience," Santana murmured, sliding in a second and rocking them slowly inside of her. "With guys, it was always about the pump and dump, but when it comes to girls," she said, lifting her head to meet Tina's eyes; "you don't come until I say you can."

"It's totally true," Brittany gushed, eyes wide as she looked on. "She's really good at that."

Santana puckered her lips and kissed the air quickly in Brittany's direction before turning her attention back to Tina. "You're so wet," she purred. "So slick and shiny. And you taste," she said, swirling a finger around Tina's opening before lifting it to her lips and giving it a lick, "just as sweet as you look."

"Just so you know, this is like, ten fantasies fulfilled, right here," Puck said, staring on with wide eyes. "Thank you, thank you, thank you."

"Glad to know we're filling your spank bank," Santana told him before once again lowering herself between Tina's legs and gently biting at her inner thigh. "Now if you don't mind, I have business to attend to."

Santana panted softly against Tina's folds for a few breaths before looking intently into her eyes and flicking her tongue out to brush against her clit. Tina jolted at the touch, and barely had time to process it before Santana's mouth was covering her in earnest, tongue gliding against and into her in a way that Mike never quite had.

"So close…" Tina said, voice ragged and rough from the overload of tension building within her. Her toes curled and her hands clenched - the one around Mike's tightening and the other shooting behind her to take one of Puck's, who held it in a surprisingly tender fashion. Her hips were jolting and her pulse was racing and she was so close she felt like she might explode when she heard Santana's laugh, low and rumbling in her chest.

"One…two…three," Santana said before wrapping her lips around Tina's clit and sucking on it in such a way that the dam inside of her burst open, causing her to cry out as she thrashed against Santana's face.

"I got you," Mike's voice came breaking through her fog.

"We got you," Puck's came a second later.

"And I just had you," Santana said with a smirk as she came up and pressed a kiss to Tina's lips. Her mouth was wet and slick and had a new taste that Tina knew from her time with Mike could only be her own fluids. "Write that in your book, Puckerman," she shot over Tina's shoulder.

"Oh, believe me, I will," Puck said, stroking Tina's hair with his free hand.

"I didn't get to make you…" Tina began, her head lolling in Puck's lap as she came down from the rush of her orgasm.

"Don't worry about it," Santana said, casting a look at Brittany. "I'm not going home unsatisfied. Besides," she grinned, turning back to Tina. "I'm sure this won't be our last game of Truth or Dare."

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character: santana, rating: nc-17, character: tina

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