I suppose I have pimped
fluter before, but I have just finished reading the latest issue and will do it again. It's a free magazine published quarterly by the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. I know this sounds horribly boring, but the writing is brilliant and it has wonderful photographs - for those of you somewhat familiar with German media, some of the authors of Süddeutsche Zeitung's jetzt magazine went on to work with fluter when jetzt was abandoned.
If you understand German, you really should read fluter. Go to
their website and click 'Abo' in the top right corner to order the next four issues for free. You don't have to live in Germany to order it. Or
download older issues - the last six issues are all very good (those before were with the old authors and aren't as good). Especially the
'family' issue is one of the best things I've ever read.