Mar 22, 2005 11:51
i went to the grocery store last night for the first time in probably 4 months. it was painful, but much needed. afterwards when we were getting into the car this guy approached marshall and started talking about how hes living out of his car with his girlfriend (she was there too) and how the company he worked at for 6 years failed and they have nowhere to go and it really made me sad ... he just kept saying, "we were normal; normal people just like you guys" ... marshall suspects they were on coke, and they fully couldve been, but it just made me sad and made me re-realize how big of a problem homelessness really is and how big of assholes we are most of the time about it ... i dont know ... on another selfish but true note, im in such debt right now and i cant handle it ... i feel like im just constantly paying people back for shit and like im never going to be done with it. its one of the worst feelings i know ...
on top of that im super confused about what im doing in life/living ... as in literally have no clue. i thought i was starting to figure things out until i talked to zach last night and now im back to where i was in the beginning ... just unsure. fuuuckk ...
gotta go work at good ol edge. let me figure things out.