that's just the way it goes sometimes

May 13, 2009 18:56

okay so the last month has been BRUTAL. i've barely had time to think let alone update in livejournal. but it's all worth it because i am now officially finished with my first master's degree! my recital was amazing and i'm just really proud of myself. now it's time for me to embark on a slightly new'll be newer in a year but you know, whatever.

so, let's see. i have a thesis topic. i have a thesis advisor. i'm playing the baroque bassoon. i'm going to iceland. i'm TAing three classes. my profs are fighting over what Ph.D. programs i should apply to (okay not fighting, just playfully bickering) things are good.

and yes, peabody is on the brink of collapse, i have no job and neither do any of my friends and i have nightmares about failing the above mentioned items. but in PK's words, i will suck it up!.
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