10/11 - 1.
i thought it less like a lake and more like a moat. Sam arrives, and is reunited with Mom and bro and a bunch of new faces.
10/17 - Luca Macken [
10/19 - Anna Milton [
10/21 - Dean Winchester [
10/30 - Mary Winchester [
10/31 - 2.
fate up against your will. Sam doesn't like Halloween.
Castiel [
post]. In which Cas is eating Dulcie.
2 - Jessica Moore [
post]. Well, he never expected this.
11 - 3.
or will i see you dear and wish i could come back. Sam's not quite sure what to tell Jessica about his life.
12 - Dean Winchester [
action]. Dean's been 8 before, but not when Sam wasn't 4.
Castiel [
post]. And Castiel's... different.
16 - Stephen Stills [
post]. But I thought musicians never had enough bread.
Buffy Summers [
post]. Is not immune, either.
22 - Charlie McGee [
post]. Charlie's not big on Thanksgiving.
7 - 5.
we drank a toast to innocence, we drank a toast to now. Sam is a sap, but at least only Santa knows. Oh, whoops.
Dean Winchester [
post]. Dean's chief of police. Sam is not sure this is the best idea.
11 - Castiel [
action]. Angel smoochies!
Dulcie [
action]. More angel smoochies!
Dean Winchester [
post]. Mom's gone.
14 - Dulcie [
post]. An angel's been naughty.
18 - Jessica Moore [
post]. Jess has a sister?