ttly a knight: 1

Mar 18, 2010 03:25

[via his frantic grappling with the LP, Poland has managed to activate the voice option, but once it indicates that it's done so, he chucks it to the ground and retreats, but his voice is still loud enough to be heard from a distance away]

L-like, what is that thing?! It's totally weird and--!!

[there's a sudden silence, broken soon by the clanking of his sword against his armor as he wanders hesitantly], Teutonic Knights totally isn't here. And Liet isn't, either...

[he groans out of frustration, stomps over, clank clank clank, to snatch the LP, holding it close to him, his voice frantic]

O-oh, God, did I, like, die?! Liet was totally late with the plan, and Teutonic Knights was about to--but I can't be!! Where's Liet?!

[thinking that this magical box has answers, he screams into the LP, sorry folks, louder than America]

This is SO NOT FAIR!! How come I died but not Liet?! We're, like, united and stuff, he should be totally dead with me, too!! Ugh, so not cool!! Wait 'til I tell God about this!

[and he grumbles, fiddles with the LP, and manages to end the transmission]

hello god it's me poland, liet, was about to get head-chopped, dead?, teutonic knights, what is this technology, magic box, totally not fair

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