Mar 02, 2005 17:42
Things have been kinda crazy but now they are just at the same level ya know? like a plateau? SP?
hmm anyways. Math is hilarious, Mike sits next to me and Stephen and we just make fun of people all the time. We think this girl in our class is pregnant... hmmm i wonder. It looks kina balloony. Then ms stenberg treats us like we are freaking 3 year olds and it doesnt help people stay on tast any more than they were.
Science sucks. Elliot is freaking annoying. He just needs to stop trying to be funny....cause hes not lol.
And i dont freaking get the labs, and amanda is bitchy to me cause im stupid so i didnt understand anything basically.
Me manda and Libby have been trying to run everyday after school down and cook park and so far its been pretty good. I have to remember to do my Morgans tonight, before i shower. lol
I got to hang out with nicole this weekend! that girl is just too good and funny. It was fun, we played poker for a while until Max's friend took out her dad in the first round, so everybody was just kinda pissy. lol But we restarted and the kid still won 20 bucks!! damn. But it was grand, we went to hagens and then ate all the food and talked and played checkers!! I WON!!
well farewell off to do Morgans, homework, and of course... television.