The Littlest Miracle: Part IV

Jul 15, 2012 12:07

Title: The Littlest Miracle
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Ron/Hermione
Genre: Drama
When: Post Deathly Hallows
Warnings: n/a
Story Links: Masterpost | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Epilogue
Years after giving up on expanding their family of four, Hermione discovers she's pregnant, but will the news bring their family joy or tear her and Ron apart?

Part IV

He was such an idiot. If only he had a time turner and could go back in time and stop it all from happening. Not that there was anything he could really change. He had messed up big time.

He and Hermione had had fights before, lots of them, to be honest, but she had never told him to leave.  They had both walked away from a fight, a time or two, but he had learned his lesson about leaving her when he was seventeen, and he didn’t want to go through that again.

If he could have kept his mouth shut, they would have been celebrating now. Instead, he was walking away from his wife and kids with no place to go. He didn’t want to go to a pub, and he sure as hell couldn’t go to Harry and Ginny’s place. They would force the truth out of him and then Ginny would go off on him and Harry would stand aside and agree to whatever Ginny said while giving Ron a look that said ‘you brought this upon yourself.’

He could go to one of his brothers’ houses, but then he’d have to deal with their wives and the extremely close bond that they each had with Hermione. A flashback of angry veelas from the World Cup when he was fourteen ruled Fleur out completely. Then a flashback of an angry Angelina when she was Quidditch captain ruled her out. Going to Percy’s was definitely out of the question; he and Audrey would sit on their couch and stare at him silently before psychoanalyzing him like he wasn’t even there.

That left Charlie, which wasn’t a bad choice.  Charlie and his wife had only been married for a couple years and she still favored Romanian over English for her communication.  Plus, they had just had their first baby a few months previous, so his brother would have some tips about parenting later in life.

With his destination in mind, he turned on the spot and apparated to a spot a short distance from Charlie and Helena’s home, which was located in the hills near the Burrow.

He glanced at his watch and, after noting it was only a few minutes after nine, made his way to the front door.  Remembering only too well how doorbells affected sleeping babies, he knocked on the door and waited.

It was Helena who opened the door, and she must have sensed something was wrong because she skipped traditional greetings and said, “I get Charlie.”

While she went to get Charlie, Ron entered the house and closed the door after himself. He found himself looking at the photos they had hanging on the wall as he waited.  There was one of him, Hermione and the kids from Charlie’s wedding.  They started with a nice pose, for a Muggle picture for her parents, but once that was finished, Hugo had started messing about.  It wasn’t in the photo, but Ron remembered picking Hugo up, at one point, and turning him upside down, making his son laugh hysterically. Hermione had fretted at first, but had started laughing right along with them, while Rose had rolled her eyes and walked off, but not before he had caught a small smirk on her lips.

“Ron?” His brother’s voice startled him back to reality and he turned to see Charlie holding a pink bundle protectively in his arms.

“Hi,” Ron replied.  His eyes traveled over the pale skin of his youngest niece and he felt a pang in his chest.  That would be him soon with either a pink or blue buddle.  “Hermione’s pregnant.”

He hadn’t meant to blurt it out like that, but it was out there now and he couldn’t take it back.

“Congrats!” Charlie grinned. “Did ya hear that, Ana? You’re going to have a new cousin to play with.”

“I messed up, Charlie,” Ron told his brother. “I messed up big time.”

“I’ll be back,” he heard Charlie say as he made his way to an armchair.

When Charlie returned, he was alone and he joined Ron in the sitting room.

“Okay, what’s going on?” Charlie asked.

Ron told him everything, starting with finding the pregnancy test potion in the cabinet when he was looking for pain potion to Hermione telling him to get out of the house and ending with the looks on Rose and Hugo’s faces when he left.

“So why are you here?” Charlie asked him.  “Why aren’t you at home begging for Hermione’s forgiveness?”

“She told me to leave,” Ron replied. “My own son followed me to the front door and locked it behind me.”

“Yes, she did, but she only said it because she was upset; she didn’t mean it,” Charlie stated. “You took what was supposed to be a happy moment and got mad at her for not telling you right away. She was probably waiting until Christmas to tell you so it would be a big surprise.”

“You’re not helping,” Ron groaned and then buried his head in his hands.

“Then go home,” Charlie stated. “Go home to your wife and kids. Get some sleep and then in the morning, make her a nice breakfast and then talk everything over.”

“Can I use your floo?” Ron asked.

Charlie nodded.

A few minutes later, Ron stepped out of the fireplace at his and Hermione’s house.  He made sure everything was locked up and then he headed upstairs.  On his way to the bedroom, he paused at Hugo and then Rose’s bedrooms, but found them both empty.

With butterflies in his stomach, he went into his and Hermione’s room and paused in the doorway.  Hermione lay asleep in the middle of their bed with Rose asleep on her right and Hugo asleep on her left.

Not wanting to wake any of them, he cleared off the sofa in Hermione’s reading corner and laid down. It wasn’t the most comfortable way to sleep, as his feet hung over the edge a good six inches, but he wanted to be close to his family.

story: the littlest miracle

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