The Littlest Miracle: Part III

Jul 08, 2012 11:17

On to the third part of the story. At the end of this part, we are officially at the halfway point in the story. This is a short, but sweet story.

Title: The Littlest Miracle
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Ron/Hermione
Genre: Drama
When: Post Deathly Hallows
Warnings: n/a
Story Links: Masterpost | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Epilogue
Years after giving up on expanding their family of four, Hermione discovers she's pregnant, but will the news bring their family joy or tear her and Ron apart?

Part III

He was supposed to be happy about a new baby. He was the one who said he wanted four.

He had sounded happy at first, a little surprised, but then it had all unraveled and he had accused her of choosing work over having more kids. Memories of the five times they were so sure they were pregnant, but not as well as those of the three miscarriages, flew through her mind. Each memory breaking her heart just a little more.

She hated him. More than she had ever hated him in her entire life.

“Mum?” Rose spoke.

Hermione brushed the tears from her cheeks and then propped herself up on the bed to look at the door where her daughter was standing wearing a worried look.

“Dad left,” Rose said, her voice carrying a fake calm. “Hugo made sure.”

The tears Hermione had been trying to hold back, during her talk with Rose, flooded down her face at that announcement. She fell back against the bed and wept into Ron’s pillow. She felt the bed dip a few seconds later and smelt Rose’s perfume as her daughter wrapped her in a hug.

“He’ll be back, Mum,” she whispered. “I know he will be. He wouldn’t leave us.”

Hermione fought the urge to tell her daughter that Ron had once left her for months, but she knew it wouldn’t help matters at all. She knew that Ron had as little control over that situation as she had over her infertility issues. He had chosen to run, and she had focused on her career.

They had tried for more kids until shortly before Hugo’s fifth birthday. That was the last time she had been positive she was pregnant, only to find out that she wasn’t. She hadn’t told Ron about that last possibly pregnancy; each time she told him she thought she was and she ended up being wrong, a little more of his smile chipped away.

She had decided that day that they were fine as a family of four. It had pained her to give up the possibility of more children, but each and every disappointment caused even more pain. She had focused on being the best mum she could be to Rose and Hugo and then had gotten a job in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

Those first couple years had been rough. She and Ron had been so busy with work and the kids that they had neglected their relationship. At its worse, they spoke no more than five words to each other a day.

That was when Harry and Ginny had stepped in with a gift of a trip to Paris for just her and Ron. The kids had gone to stay with Ron’s parents and she and Ron had spent two weeks alone in France. The first couple days had been awkward, but with no other distractions, they had begun to talk and reconnect for the first time in years.

That first time they had come together, they hadn’t talked about whether or not to use protection, but when she had cast the contraceptive charm on herself, he hadn’t said anything. As the years went on, it became part of their sex routine. One of them would cast the charm, and then they’d have sex.

Until that night in November, when they had celebrated the anniversary of the day he proposed to her. Between the dancing, the moonlight and the expensive Goblin wine, they had gotten a bit carried away and the charm had been forgotten. And, Merlin, had it been amazing sex.

Hermione snorted with laughter.

“Mum?” Hugo’s worried voice carried across the room.

Opening her eyes, Hermione saw that Rose had fallen asleep next to her. She smoothed her hand over her daughter’s head and then looked at the door.

“Want to join us?” she asked him.

He looked apprehensive, as if trying to decide if he was going to be tough or not, but eventually entered the room and climbed onto the bed beside her.

With her children on either side of her, Hermione stared up at the ceiling and, when she was sure Hugo had fallen asleep, she whispered as quietly as possible, “Ron, please come home.”

story: the littlest miracle

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