Her toothy smile.

Oct 31, 2008 09:23

A month ago, my mom was waking me up with tears streaming down her face, "Anak, namatay na si mama." She was referring to my grandmother Meling Cleopas, who had been battling the complications of living for 79 years. I could only reach out to her and hug her.

An hour later, while I was sitting beside my friend Faye, I couldn't help but shed a tear and then it all came streaming down. I couldn't stop crying. I couldn't stop remembering my bungangera grandmother who never failed to give you the tightest hugs the minute you arrived at their home in Bohol.

My mom saying her final goodbye.

I wasted no time arranging my schedule with my fellow Internal Med interns so I can go to Bohol and attend my lola's internment rites.

For the first time in almost six years, our family was complete. All of aunts and uncles were there with my first cousins. Even my cousin Ate Gigi flew in from Dubai.

My sister Von: "Ang hirap namang maging lagi na lang malungkot. Matagal na rin tayong hindi nagkakasamang magpipinsan."
My cousin Jen (in Visayan): "Oo nga. Kung buhay si lola, malamang nagkakantahan tayo."

And, that is just what we did. After the burial, there was a Cleopas family "jamming session". Videoke-ing and singing along with a guitar a-la-Boholanon until the break of dawn. Catching up on each other's lives (e.g. Sansha's pregnant with my 1st pamangkin! Ate Bagi and Kuya Junjie are getting married next year! "Who could be next?").

I was quite surprised that the cheerful atmosphere didn't feel the least bit inappropriate. I just know that Lola Meling is smiling her toothiest as she looks down upon us remembering her life.

We love you, Lola.

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