Tagged by Pepel

May 15, 2008 06:05

Because my high school "partner-in-crime" Marifel tagged me and I have been looking for a perfect reason to procrastinate, I shall now be sharing ten facts about myself.

The Rules:
1. Each blogger starts with ten random facts/habits about themselves.
2. Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their ten things and post these rules.
3. At the end of your blog, you need to choose ten people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they're tagged, and to read your blog.

Ten Things You Can Hate/ Love About Me

  1. I don't have allergies, but I secretly want to have one. 
    (Just not to cat dander or shrimps or chocolates, though!)
  2. Everyone who spends at least a week with me will know that I have a weakness for furry felines. Cats own humans, not the other way around.
    They are snobbish, selfish and sly. That is why they ought to be the queens of the animal kingdom! 
  3. In my 24 years of existence, I have never been in a serious romantic relationship.

  4. In connection with No. 3, Gino Ginintuan, the Tiboli numerologist known to everyone who walks by Padre Faura St. to Robinsons Ermita everyday, predicted that I would have 4 boyfriends and I would marry the last one at the age of 26 after a whirlwind courtship. (Kamusta naman yun?!
  5. Being an Aries gives me the license to be impatient.
    I'm always looking for my next big adventure. Whether it be medical school or joining a sorority or watching a new play with my high school friends. I am always on the lookout for something different in my routine.
  6. Some people think I'm suplada, but I am actually just terribly shy!
    I cannot be that person who can chat up a storm with people who I have just met.
  7. I can down 8 shots of Vodka 
    and go home walking in a straight line. (Lesson: Never mix hard liquor with beer when doing an alcohol binge.)
  8. I like "window shopping"... in National Bookstore!
    I could spend an hour inside and just scan the blurbs of the newest novels or check out the latest stick-on designs or skim the brightest colored organizers.
  9. I can never be a Stepford wife. 
    I don't know how to cook or bake or even finish a cross-stitching piece. I know I'd be awesome if I did (ha!), but I just can't find enough motivation to finally learn those crafts.
  10. (Nerd alert!!
    ) I think I would be a difficult subject to intubate (Need a definition? Here!) since I used to sport an "open bite" (= upper jaw protrudes farther than the lower jaw) and a relatively small chin --- two risk factors for a difficult intubation, according to an Anesthesiology lecture we had last year.
Who do I tag?

Anyone who wants to release their inner dorkiness!

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