I forgot what a wreck of my free time classes make. Once I'm finished with everything, I just want to sit there and stare blankly at some nonthreatening surface, like a computer screen or nearby wall. Can't believe we're nearly at midterms. I hope everyone's been doing well out there.
Nephew turned three last week. He's still the most adorable kid in the world. oh my god. So cute. And I still can't go anywhere in this house without him following me. Once he sees me, he is glued to my side until something drastic occurs, like bath time or dinner. Aaagh, it gets frustrating at times but he is just so freaking adorable. I took him to Toys R Us (yellow store!) to pick out a birthday present and he got this big box of Cars toys. He also wanted a kitchen set but those are too pricy for me to actually buy. I keep pressuring my sister to go and get him one. (Or at least a dollhouse, he keeps playing around with the unfinished one we have downstairs.)
Also last week, I babysat the youngsters and took them to the Big Apple Circus. I love circuses. I love the popcorn, I love the music, I love the cotton candy and the people running around selling glowy swords and flashing necklaces, I love the over-the-top acts and I love the acrobats and even the clowns. Just plain out adore circuses. And true fax, it is even more fun to go to a circus if you have children with you, because you kind of feed off of their excitement and awe and start and excitement/awe loop of your own. They had some amazing acrobats in this one, who started everything off with these flying, backflipping, multi-roped jump rope tricks. The kids spent the whole circus gasping and saying HOW DID THEY DO THAT. It was awesome.
I've read a lot of really good articles about what happened with the OccupyWallStreet protest, and I feel like I couldn't contribute as well as everyone already has. So, here are some links:
Observations of a Jailed HournalistNew York Police to Investigate Pepper Spray IncidentLawrence O’Donnell rips ‘unprovoked police brutality’ at ‘Occupy Wall Street’Why I Was Maced at the Wall Street Protests This post suffers from some interesting mood change issues, but oh well.
Also, I am going to see Les Miserables this weekend. YAAAAAAAY!!!