my voice keeps on shaking

Dec 03, 2010 20:21

Joined up with atlaland, which seems like it's going to be tons of fun and has writing prompts. I'm eyeballing the mod lottery, but am trying to decide if I have the endurance to do it. I am in Water Tribe, which I am sure is to no one's real surprise. My second choice would have been Fire Nation, since I'm really a fire sign at heart (in the Western zodiac anyway).

I have been so tired lately. I think I'm going to place the blame on post-vacation week, since I think I've been getting an okay amount of sleep. Not ideal, certainly, but not horrible either. I've decided that tomorrow will be spent getting a hefty slice of REM before I start up my Saturday. I'm actually not sure what to do after that, aside from the humongous load of laundry I've accumulated.

I'm tired of listening to my boss talk about the children in classist and racist ways. She singles out the POC children with bad behavior and say that they come from bad families. She makes comments about how 'that culture spoils their children' for the Indian kids, or 'they don't respect women in that culture' or 'those people are lazy'. When the Latino kid misbehaves, he 'comes from bad blood' or 'sees a lot at home' and 'is a bad influence'. She implies that the black kids on welfare or the janitor might steal someone's Nintendo DS. When she says someone is black, she whispers it behind her hand. She accuses Latin@ people of being aggressive and emotional, not realizing that I am a Latin@.

She expects me to affirm all of these judgments and I can't say anything. I disagree. I say that I haven't noticed that.

And when I say that this is offensive, she is surprised. She never meant to offend anyone. She's not being racist.

This is why I hate people who say that racism is only in people's perception, or say that 'that's your point of view' or 'I just don't see that.' That's the whole problem. Your inability to perceive your own prejudice is the whole problem. You can't see the building because you're standing inside it. I don't see why this is difficult.

issues, rant, real life, racism, daycare, race

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