james is a very good tree name, but perhaps a bit deciduous

Dec 01, 2010 12:33

Managed to get some holiday shopping done, which is a good thing. I tend to go into a frenzy at this point if I haven't gotten most of it thrown together. My mom and dad are being their typical impossible selves, so maybe I'll have a redo of last year and just buy them gift cards to restaurants.

Yesterday, one of my kids who is leaving to go to a different daycare program presented me with a baby Norfolk Island Pine, complete with ornaments and in a festive pot. I now have a little Christmas tree. Awww. (I also got cupcakes, which my sister ate. Oh well.) These things are apparently good houseplants, so hopefully I don't kill it.

Perhaps I should name my tree. Something nice, like Evergreen or Cecilia or Sasquatch. Or James. What do you think? any ideas?

And a holiday meme, since I haven't done any in a while:

Give me a character from any fandom I follow, and I will give you their wishlist to Santa

christmas, daycare, meme

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