he had a mean streak three miles wide

Nov 18, 2010 13:28

I was going to my friend's apartment. She lives in a fairly upscale area, I should mention. Full of upwardly mobile business people. I went up to enter the number so I could get paged in, and there was this pizza man. (I feel like I should mention he was a POC, because I think race also played a part in this.) He was looking at a piece of paper and trying to find a name in the system. There was an annoyed-looking middle-aged white guy in a business suit standing there, either talking to him or watching him.

When I came up to enter my friend's name, the man in the business suit said in this angry, annoyed tone: "Well, what's the last name? Don't you have the last name?" And the pizza man went: "No, they didn't give it ot me. It's okay," and probably was going to say he'd dial the concierge in the lobby, but then the business man interrupted and snapped: "No, it's not okay. You deliver pizza here a lot, you need to get the last names."

Then he used his card, walked in, and shut the door in the pizza man's face.

And I realized not only was he a total douche, but it wasn't even HIS pizza and he had nothing to do with the situation at all.

The poor guy looked at the door and at me, and I gave him a 'THE FUCK' face, too and said: "That guy was completely rude," and he said: "Why does he get to treat me like that?" and I wanted to smack something. Because he shouldn't get to treat this guy like dirt, because the guy sounded so upset. Because this asshole is just one in a long line of humanity's douchebags secured in their power, small or great, and use it to hurt others in even petty ways like this.

That businessman just feels good doing that to people because he can and has the social power over them and thinks they deserve it for not acting according to his perceptions of how they should act. I wish he'd lingered in the lobby long enough for me to say something to him, but it was probably best all around that he wasn't. I let the pizza man in, gave him a pat on the back and told him to enjoy the rest of his night. I hope it helped his night some. I know I'd like support like that sometimes, when people decide to be rude for no reason.

crushing time now, fail, stop waving that privilege around, i hate the human race, get the castration knife, race

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