Disney rumor: hand-written film to be an adaptation of Terry Pratchett's book 'Mort' Okay. I am absolutely terrified. One: because I don't trust Disney and their bullshit to even attempt to tackle Discworld, Two: because I don't know how well the book will come out in movie form, having seen The Hogfather. I'm afraid that they'll make Ysabell a lot less awesome than she was, lose all of the princess's agency, and maybe even replace their speech with horrible American slang. I am going to die if I hear Americanized Death, do you hear me? DIE. If they do with Mort what they are doing to Rapunzel, I will shit a brick house.
Also, I'm really irritated that Disney's choosing Mort to use as a children's movie when the majority of Terry Pratchett's books aimed at children are about Tiffany Aching, a witch-in-training. It feels like they're skipping the chance to make another female-centric film because, oh no, what about those poor boys? At least Pratchett's books have awesome female characters even when they're dude-centric, but jeez, talk about a letdown.
(Also, still borrowing computer.)