IMPORTANT: this is straight copy-pasted from sotto_voice's post

Sep 20, 2010 12:58

It's that time again, to mention the post I made a couple days ago. The Senate is voting on Don't Ask Don't Tell repeal tomorrow. As of right now, supporters don't even have enough votes to get it past John McCain's filibuster.


Guys, I am begging you. Please, please, please, please call your senator and tell him or her that you strongly support repeal, even if your senator has already come out in favor of it. They need to know that people want this; polls say that 70% of Americans do, but poll numbers don't pack the punch of constituents' actual voices.

Call the Capitol switchboard and ask to be connected to your senator's office. (202) 224-3121 It's fast, it's easy, and it makes a difference. I've done it. It's seriously super easy.

If you live in: Maine, Arkansas, Indiana, New Hampshire, Virgina, or Ohio: you are especially important! You have a Republican senator who has yet to indicate how he or she will vote. PLEASE CALL. Please, you guys. Please please please. It will be terrible if this doesn't even make it to the fucking floor.

Susan Collins D.C. office: (202) 224-2523
Susan Collins Augusta, ME office: (207) 622-8414

Olympia Snowe toll-free number: (800) 432-1599
Olympia Snowe Augusta, ME office: (207) 622-8292

Mark Pryor D.C. office: (202) 224-2353
Mark Pryor Little Rock, AR office: (501) 324-6336

Richard Lugar D.C. office: (202) 224-4814
Richard Lugar Indianapolis, IN office: (317) 226-5555

Judd Gregg D.C. office: (202) 224-3324
Judd Gregg Concord, NH office: (603) 225-7115

Jim Webb D.C. office: 202-224-4024
Jim Webb Richmond, VA office: 804-771-2221

George Voinovich D.C. office: (202) 224-3353
George Voinovich Columbus, OH office: (614) 469-6697

Tell them to:
OPPOSE a motion to strike the DADT repeal amendment from the National Defense Authorization Act.

OPPOSE any replacement or substitute repeal amendment

OPPOSE any attempt to modify the repeal amendment in the bill

OPPOSE any filibuster attempt

SUPPORT final passage of the bill

I am on my knees pleading here. If people don't call and make their voices heard, the bill is going to be filibustered out of existence. If the bill is killed, you can be sure that it won't be back anytime soon; not with a Republican takeover of Congress likely in November. You can make a difference, either through action or inaction. Please choose action.

(People in my friend's list, PLEASE signal boost the hell out of this post. Link it, c&p, share, etc. It's important. We need this bill.)

homosexuality, politics, dadt

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