if you're born a lion, don't bother trying to act tame

Jul 21, 2010 00:55

Have been neglecting the internet to read, plan to do so in the future as well. I'm almost finished with 'Alias, Grace', and will commence 'The Blood of Flowers' shortly afterward. Although, some of the novels I've purchased will take more reading time than others. I take longer to read more thoughtful works, and it just takes me longer to get involved in stories that don't involve fantastical elements of some kind. I can read them, but it takes me longer to achieve the level of interest I need for 'speed and reread.' I'm just an escapism junkie.

That said, have a meme: If you could have me write a fic specifically for you, what would it be like? Fandom, characters/pairing, genre, plot elements, kinks... what's your ideal fic from me?

writing, fanfic, books, meme

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