the withered leaves collect at my feet

May 21, 2010 01:16

I have 'Memory' from Cats in my head. It's not a horrible song to have in your head, but it keeps on going on replay over and over. Leave me alone, beautiful song! Don't let the memory live! LET IT DIE! *tries to find another catchy song*

In the meantime, we have a bird's nest in our hedge. I have counted one, two, three, four baby robins. I shall name them. I'm leaning towards naming them after the ninja turtles, actually. It's not like I can tell them apart, so a quartet name would be good. Of course, I can name them after the Beatles, too. Or Sokka, Toph, Katara, and Aang. Or I could give them season names. Pretty much anything's up so far. Any suggestions?

For today's happy news, ninjas foil mugging.

I want to know what the muggers told their comrades-in-crime. "And then there were these ninjas! I swear to god, fucking ninjas!"

real life, too awesome for mortal ken, awesome

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