Oct 23, 2009 01:44
There is a certain character type that I almost never fail to adore, and that is the Badass Old Lady. The Badass Old Lady comes in many flavors, from refined and elegant to blunt and salt of the earth. But she always remains old, female, and able to whoop ass from fifty miles away, whether it be with the commanding pull of her eyes, her assertive lectures, her stunning intellect or her fists of fury. I am madly, deeply, irreversibly in love with badass old ladies in all their lovely flavors, and I do not intend to ever go back.
It is my dream that I one day see Angela Lansbury and Maggie Smith team up to be super-awesome badass old ladies in their very own action movie featuring, of course, them. And it wouldn't be a comedy. It wouldn't be played for laughs. It would be a damn-straight they're awesome, no holds barred, dead serious montage of these two epic awesome badass women doing what they do best. And all the other awesome old actresses would, naturally, be invited to join in.
The enemies? Played by every main beefcake, testosterone-drenched, musclebound action hero Hollywood has to offer. And in the end, Maggie Smith impales Chuck Norris through the eye with a knitting needle after delivering her very best, withering, 'bitch please' lecture.
So, do all of you share this all-encompassing love for the Badass Old Ladies? If so, please talk to me about your favorite elderly BAMFs. Share the love!
girl love,