rose-colored times on rides with your eyes closed.

Oct 19, 2009 01:34

Busy, busy weekend, but in a good way. Partially, anyway. Saturday we went to the Renne Faire despite all my better judgement: it was cold and raining, which means mud and puddles. Not good for floor-length gowns that aren't made for cold. But I somehow ended up going anyway, and spent most of the time dodging puddles and huddling under my umbrella for warmth. None of the performers were out because of the rain, but that also meant that there were far less crowds than usual and no dust clouds in the air. By the end of the day, I had ceased to feel my feet and fingers! Despite that, I had a fairly good time. I drank two cups of hot chocolate and a cup of warm apple cider in order to keep my hands warm. (My stomach, too, technically, but it didn't do much.)

I bought a jar of Brazilian pepper honey, which has heat without pepper taste. It's like normal honey with mild spiciness to it. They had several other tempting honeys, but I went with that one. I also bought a leather glove with three ring 'daggers' that sort of look like spikes when you wear them. Short Wolverine spikes, maybe. I shall take a picture of them later. At the end of the day, Patrick bought about $200 worth of alcohol at the store, and experimented with different cocktails for the Halloween party. I liked one he made with chambord, bailey's, and creme de coco, as well as his Sex on the Beach. Mmm, sex on the beach. Sadly, he did not have the amaretto needed for a Screaming Orgasm. (Seriously, I kept throwing out obscure sexy cocktails and NOTHING.) He also didn't have Kahlua, just some other, cheaper coffee liquor. And that's just not the way to go!

During this, we sang "Alcohol", which is, like, a country BALLAD to booze.

While we sampled all these cocktails, (some of them which could kick your ass,) we watched Mamma Mia. Possibly the only real way to watch this movie is under the alcofluence of incohol. It's humongously cheesy, the characters have very little dimension, and it's pretty much a long montage of Abba music videos- without the Abba. I didn't like any of the younger characters in the film, although I adored the triad of older women and was amused by the triad of men. Does Your Mother Know is my favorite, favorite scene in that film. Musical number with sexy older woman being assertive. Love!

But seriously. Some people are fucked up when it comes to cocktails. I'm talking, of course, about the Bloody Mary section. I saw beef boullion, barbeque sauce, oregano, pickled onions, and large jalepeno peppers as ingredients for some of these 'drinks'. If alcohol wasn't already a depressant, that shit would be sure to make it so.

movie, rennaissance faire, real life, booze, awesome

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