My lymph nodes are so swollen that it hurts to lift my chin or move my neck. If it's not one thing, it's another lately. I'm fairly sure this is just another sinus cold, so I'm not all that worried, but I hate losing my sense of smell. Not because of smell itself, but because of how it screws with my sense of taste. I lose all will to eat once I
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I like Roy Mustang a lot, and I suspect some of it comes from the fire manipulation. I've long had a fondness for characters who can control fire. He's also a great leader, protective towards his subordinates, and angsty without being a woobie. And when Ed gets uppity, he shows him his place. XD
2) Is he/she important to the general plot?
Very much so, I would think. The manga is really good at making the extensive amount of characters give importance to the plot, and Roy's plans for world domination for its own good are pretty crucial to the stoyline.
3) Can you relate to this character at all? Do they grip you emotionally?
I'm not sure if relate is the right word, but I sympathize with the character a lot, and his emotions are so well-portrayed that I have no trouble understanding how the character feels. I am most 'moved' in the way he behaves towards his subordinates, and how he literally would do anything to protect and/or avenge them.
4) How much do you like the fandom that this character comes from?
Fullmetal Alchemist is da bomb. Intense plots, gorgeous characterization, an awesome magical system, and the tree of life. Ingredients for awesome.
5) Do you ship this character with any other character? Or, are you particularly intrigued by their relationship with any other character(s)? (romance-wise or platonic)
I ship him with Riza and no one else! They are so good at reading each other and supporting each other through their trials, it's amazing. He trusts her to kill him if he crosses the line, and she trusted him with the flame alchemy (and made him burn her back to keep it secret.) They are so hardcore it's amazing.
Roy's semi-mentor relationship with Ed is awesome to se in action. He knows just how to handle the kid and just how to use him, and it's endless fun to watch Ed bristle at him. I have also mentioned Roy's relationships with the people on his team. They are so close and respectful and admiring and BFF, and it's like a mini military family. Much love.
6) Is there anything about the character you would change?
Nope. Roy's great the way he is.
7) If you were in the fandom with this character or knew this character in real life, how do you see yourself interacting with him/her? (Would you get along well? Fall in love with? Dislike? Friendly rivalry? etc etc)
I'd probably fangirl him from afar. He's too intense and dedicated for me to feel on par with, and I doubt we'd be able to talk about much, but I'd completely admire him.
8) Does this character make the cut as one of your all time favorites (if you like) or least favorites?
I'm not sure. He's an awesome character, and he's almost there, but I'm not gaga over him like I am over my absolute favorites. He's one of my favorites in this manga, undoubtedly.
9) Would you hype up this character (if you like) or warn about (if you dislike) to someone whose new to the fandom?
Yes. I would hype him up like a crazy thing! Fire-users ftw!
10) Is this character popular with the fanbase?
Yes. More popular than any man has a right to be. XD
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