Feb 23, 2009 01:17
I had this strange zombie apocalypse dream that was set here, where I live, only I had the sense that whatever the problem was, it had been ongoing for a few years. Everyone had a chestpiece on that reminded me of the ones you wear while doing laser tag, and in the center of them, right in the middle of the chest, was a round, flat 'button' about the size of a baseball in diameter. These chestpieces wouldn't come off, and they served a purpose similiar to those explosive-ridden collars you see in some action movies. Once a person was infected with the zombie disease, the button would glow red and blink, and you were supposed to activate it, and the chestpiece would catch fire along with the person wearing it.
Keep in mind that I have intensely visual dreams, here, so of course I got the imagery of people burning alive. In the dream, I was keeping a number of refugees in my house, and two of the adults became contaminated, along with two of the children. I burned the two adults, but had a moral dilemma with the children and ended up sending them away on their own instead of killing them. (Gave them coats and food.) Which really wasn't that noble of a choice, since I knew they might meet people outside that would kill them, and that they were dying anyway. Still, I thought, what an awful way to go.
My dreams are so fucked up.