This has been the most INTERESTING day. First, I could move...which is wonderful in and of itself. Second, I got more soap buddies finished, and they look better than the bath mitt.
Third, I was energetic enough to tackle some of the stuff in the garage...very few folks have seen my garage to know it was pretty intimidating. I was attempting to clean and reassemble our old fridge to be sold at a yard sale (date TBA) and realized that, without the car, I would not be able to do much without more cleaning products, chiefly scouring pads.
But, stuffed under the decking in the garage was a water damaged cardboard box, left by the previous tenants, which I drug out to examine. In it were the following:
1. A long plastic auto funnel.
2. A 2 gallon bucket.
3. A roll of shop towels.
4. Armour All Wipes.
5. Mr Clean with Febreeze wipes.
6. A full container of hand soap.
7. Two containers of furniture polish (we WERE out)
8. Windex Original.
9. Windex with Vinegar
10. Scouring pads.
So I cleaned up the fridge and will reassemble it on the morrow.
I have not used my laptop in several days because the last time I used it, it was hard not to throw it across the room due to a malfunction of the mouse pad. Today, Robb arrived home an hour custody of a brand new Dell Inspiron Laptop..FOR ME!!!!
Usually, with the Sun in Pisces and Moon in Virgo, it is an unpleasant day for I live with Robb, who is a Pisces with a Virgo moon, with a Leo Ascendant that squares my natal Sun, Mercury and Jupiter Stellium. There are some other aspects mitigating this transit - and apparently they are EXCELLENT for me. I haven't had a day this good since I hit a jackpot for $2,000 at Sam's Town in 1992!
It was a most AWESOME day! And I didn't have to cook dinner either!
I am so very lucky...1 to have the man I do, and 2, that our tax refund was decent...and 3. that he thought I DESERVED a new laptop! Like I said, it has been an EXCEPTIONAL day! This update has been brought to you by the Dell Inspiron 15 with 500GB harddrive and 6GB memory.