Another Tom picspam *g*

Aug 17, 2008 07:44

Hmm... I've been pretty talky on el jay lately. I hope it has been more entertaining than annoying.

So, anyway... here are 20 random Tommy pretties! Some are fairly large, not dial up friendly.

Can you guess the theme? *g*

Standard Warning! The images within may cause my flisters to question my sanity, or could cause happiness and joy, excessive drooling and/or fangirl squeeing, dirty, bad and oh so wrong thoughts combined with tingling and/or warmth in or around various body parts. The pics are from all over the place, including DTTW, DTS and Please check my profile page for my resources.


Okay, so there is no prize... but looking at Tom is its own reward, no? :D


picspam, tom welling, smallville

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