Welling Watts Wednesday!

Aug 13, 2008 15:57

Oh, yes dear flisters! Yet more Tommy pic spamage! Probably nothing new to anybody, but I hope you enjoy! Many thanks to carolandtom and rose_etta (how they put up with me, I'll never know) and everybody else who shares the Tom pretties: You are all made of awesomesauce!

Other than Cliff Watts 2004, I don't know much about this photoshoot. (insert standard TPH plea here. *g*)

I love that there are so many wardrobe/backdrop changes and could somebody please explain to me why Tom says he wasn't a good model? He's selling you can't afford me rentboy! and really hot boy next door! and I'm totally buying both! ;p

Standard Warning! The images and random commentary within may cause my flisters to question my sanity, or could cause happiness and joy, excessive drooling and/or fangirl squeeing, dirty, bad and oh so wrong thoughts combined with tingling and/or warmth in or around various body parts. The pics are from Jana/jr24tw, carolandtom, Yu, DTTW, tomwelling.org and probably others I've forgotten in the droolage of the moment. Please check my profile page for more resources. Standard TPH plea. If you have any info on this 'shoot or any pics I don't have, or ones I do have but better quality, please share!

42 pretties, a few of them are fairly large, so, not dial up friendly!


The Morley Meadowlarks. A school in Nebraska or a band?  I've heard both, but all I really know is this set is pure arm porn. ;p



Arm porn. *drool*

So insolent. *guh*

Probably my fav of this set. That tousled hair! That smile!  LOL! His open expression radiates such innocence!

Wait! Maybe not so innocent after all? *g*

While not as blatent as the arm porn set, there are still plenty of buttons pushed with the brown jacket ones!

I love this pic! His smile is a thing of perfection! *sigh*

How can you not love reclining!Tom?

The fitted jacket and overlong sleeves make me laugh! How can you not love fashion?

Oooh! What could you be selling here?

I like this one alot too! Very emo and pensive. Thinking deep thinky thoughts.

Okay, maybe not so deep thoughts. *g*

Probably my least favorite of the whole shoot, but the perv in me appreciates the mole tease.

And my fav of this set! Even in a horrible tie-dyed jacket the man is simply gorgeous!

Since there are several poses of the other sets and only these two of the Triumph pics, one has to wonder if there are more of these out there.

What does this next set say to you? The orangey background and the gold satin pillow screams brothel to me. But then again you guys already knew I was a perv, no? *g*

He has a secret! And he'll share!

I'm torn between these last two as my fav for this set. You guys can probably guess why!

I hope you enjoyed the pretties!



droolpic, picspam, tom welling

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