Heart And Shoulder - Chlark - NC-17 - 02/??

Apr 07, 2008 21:48

Sap! Alert! and Yikes! I can't believe its been so very long since I've updated. I hope somebody remembers and still wants to read.

Title: Heart And Shoulder
Author: shelia ivorykiss
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Chlark
Spoilers: Freak
Disclaimers: I don’t own them. But if I did, I’d hug them and squeeze them and make them porn. The title and moodlet of this little piece is Heart And Shoulder by Heather Nova. Mucho thanks to chiri_chan for bringing this beautiful song to my attention.
A/N: Sap! and alien!Clark warnings will apply here. *g*
Previous: Part One


I’m powerless to change your world
I’m powerless to stop the hurt
but I’ll give you my heart
give you my shoulder

Clark blinked into the darkness, wary and instantly alert.

It might have been the smell of adrenaline and fear, or the rapid drumming of her heartbeat that woke him, but it was the sound Chloe made low in her throat that broke him.

It was a desolate sound, low and soft. A wordless cry that stretched beyond helplessness, stretched beyond fear, and it resonated in his very soul.

Clark rolled towards her and wrapped her in his arms. Chloe was stiff and unyielding against him and he could feel the tremors that shook her as he looked down at her.

Her eyes were open wide, but unfocused, and she made that mournful sound again.

Clark swallowed hard. Was she caught in the throws of a nightmare? Or was it a manifestation of her kryptonite infection?

He wasn’t sure, but either ripped through his heart.

Clark pulled her even closer and lowered his head towards hers.

“Chloe,” he whispered into her hair, “Chloe. Can you hear me?”

He rubbed his cheek against hers and placed a kiss on her temple, then another as his hands stroked her back, “Chloe, please.”

With each slow swipe of his hands, the tension drained from her body and her breathing was evening then suddenly she clutched at the front of his shirt and gasped out. “It’s you! Clark! It’s always you!”

Chloe tilted her head up and smiled as she gazed into his eyes. The joyous recognition and fearless relief that was written on her face, the unconditional love and awe that colored her beautiful green eyes caused Clark’s heart to skip a beat and for time to slow around him as his mind slipped into superspeed.

It was kind of scary, this way his mind worked, sharper and faster than any human could imagine and Clark usually tried to ignore the fact he could remember everything.

Especially where Chloe was concerned.

They had been in this place so many times before. Chloe in his arms, unafraid and undaunted by the knowledge of what he was, what he was capable of doing. Trusting that because he was there everything was going to be alright.

Even all those years ago when they were both hyped up, her on the adrenaline junkie parasite and him on red kryptonite, she had trusted him.

And wanted him.

She wasn’t disgusted or horrified he wasn’t human. She didn’t try to change him or encourage him to be something he was not.

Chloe had told him he was amazing and was her hero on many occasions and Clark wanted desperately to fulfill that role for her.

He wanted to laugh at how oblivious he had been for so very long. Instead he let his thoughts drop to a more human speed and smiled down at her.

“No,” Clark said, lowering his head until his mouth was only a breath away from hers. “It’s you Chloe. It’s always you.”


fic: heart and shoulder, chlark, fic, smut, smallville

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