Heart And Shoulder - Chlark - NC-17 - 01/??

May 03, 2007 00:29

Title: Heart And Shoulder
Author: shelia
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Chlark
Spoilers: Freak
Disclaimers: I don’t own them. But if I did, I’d hug them and squeeze them and make them porn. The title and moodlet of this little piece is Heart And Shoulder by Heather Nova. 
A/N: Sap! and alien!Clark warnings will apply here. *g*


Heart And Shoulder
by shelia

I’m powerless to change your world
I’m powerless to stop the hurt
but I’ll give you my heart
give you my shoulder


“Just think of me as your own personal bomb squad.” Clark joked lamely and was relieved that brought a little smile to Chloe’s face. He hugged her closer and the tear that fell on his hand scalded his skin.

It broke his heart to see her in so much pain. And that made him angry. He had no way of protecting her from herself.

Clark could feel this slow rage building inside of him, and that scared him.

She smiled at him slightly and leaned forward to give him a kiss on the cheek. Clark was surprised as she was when he turned his face to meet her lips with his own. Chloe let out a small ‘ooh’ of surprise, and froze.

Clark knew he should have drawn back, he was only complicating things between them yet again, but he couldn’t.

He didn’t want to.

Her lips were soft and warm and slightly open against his and Clark pressed his mouth firmer on hers.

She was exhausted and frightened and Clark felt like he was taking advantage, but a big part of him didn’t care.

Because he missed her kisses.

For all their protesting of being ‘just friends’ they had kissed and touched each other a whole lot over the years.

That was until recently.

Clark drew back slightly, guilt warring within him.

Chloe was with Jimmy now, again, thanks to him.

But… Clark missed the touch of her small hand on his arm. And her running her fingers through his hair. He missed her.

He missed kissing her.

Clark carefully drew her closer, and kissed her again.

Soft little kisses, comforting kisses that stayed just this side of the friendship line.

At least he tried to keep them there.

Clark fought the urge to deepen the kiss and his hand tightened on her injured shoulder. Chloe winced and cried out softly in protest.

He leaned his forehead against hers and looked into her beautiful green eyes that were shining with unshed tears.

“I will never let anything happen to you Chlo.”

Clark was surprised at how rough his voice sounded. He swallowed hard and cupped her jaw in one large hand, lightly brushing the pad of his thumb over the trio of little moles on her cheek.

Chloe leaned into his hand and another big fat tear rolled down her cheek as she closed her eyes. He pulled her head to his shoulder and wrapped both his arms around her, rocking her slightly.

Soon her breath evened, soft warm little puffs of air against his neck and her heartbeat slowed as she fell asleep.

Carefully, so not to wake her, Clark shrugged his jacket off and covered her with it. She mumbled something into his shoulder as he lifted her into his arms. Checking to be sure he had her face covered, he supersped to Smallville, then to the apartment over the Talon.

Once inside he laid her carefully on the bed. He tugged off her shoes and covered her with the comforter folded at the end of the bed.

He leaned over to kiss her on the forehead and her hands reached up and clutched his shirt, “Clark. Please. Don’t leave me.” she murmured sleepily.

He lay down beside her and toed off his boots, cradling her in his arms.

“Never, Chlo. Never.” Clark promised against her hair. He kissed the top of her head softly as she snuggled next to him and Clark fell asleep to the steady music of her heartbeat.


fic: heart and shoulder, chlark, fic, smut, smallville

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