This story delighted
soubrettic when I told her about it during our far-too-short visit last week, so I thought I'd share:
"Woman Proves Love for Eiffel Tower with Commitment Ceremony: Erika Eiffel Is Among a Small Group of People Who Are Intimately Attracted to Objects" The story also categorized this as a
form of asexuality, although I'm not so sure that such feelings for objects and sexual expression (whether with people or objects) are mutually exclusive.
Erika considers "objectum-sexuality" to be a sexual orientation, which she described further in an
interview with Bizarre magazine. Yes, I guess we could call this "bizarre" in relative terms. The world doesn't understand people like this and probably never will. Although I don't relate to it sexually or romantically, am I so bizarre myself for getting it on some level? For instance, some spiritual traditions certainly allow for the life of, and reverence toward, inorganic matter, which all originates from the Earth. And, spiritually or psychologically, don't many people believe that buildings do hold energy-from the Earth, from those who built them, and from those who have occupied them?
And, heck, is it really so bizarre to find the Eiffel Tower romantic, even sexy (for a building, that is)?
In my book, Erika Eiffel is courageous to come out about this (making herself the public face of this, even), given the likely public perception and ridicule. On the other hand, she probably has little to lose by it, at this point. After all, she also became an U.S. Air Force pilot out of love for the F-15 and later was discharged when the Air Force found out she was also flying her freak flag.
Hey, it beats furries. (Not that anything's wrong with that!)