(no subject)

Mar 20, 2006 12:00

And so we come to the end of all things.
The second week with Andy was just as much fun as the first. We always seem to get into trouble together, but we always manage to keep our sense of adventure.
It was a great two weeks. I shall tell of my adventures, though the telling may be lengthy so be forewarned.

Monday was the singers concert and the start of spirit week, which the seniors won of course!
Tuesday I introduced Andy to the Cape crew. M.K. is awesome, and so are her friends. M.K. Blake, Steph, Jeanie, Kate, Kevin, Jess, Ben, Andy, myself, and a couple of guys I didn't know all went to Flatbreads together for dinner. Fab food. Fab company. Fab time.
Wednesday was quiet since Andy was gone all day.
Thursday we spent the afternoon and evening together at his house, almost making dinner, but getting thai food at the last minute with his sister. Then we watched Black Knight which was very amusing.
Friday was Kate and Pat's birthday party. What a fun time! Tons of people and so much love and friendship. We watched wedding crashers and told random stories and swing danced and slow danced. When Andy and I were leaving around 11:00 I noted that my car was blocked in and said that I would ask Zach to move his car. Andy insisted that he could get the car out without having to bother anyone, so I relented and let him drive while I spotted his back. Everything was going fine until I noticed the inground basketball hoop on the right side of the car moving. I figured he must not have seen it there and ran around to tell him to watch out. As I ran I saw the basketball hoop bend farther and then fall down completely. I laughed and opened his door to tell him, not realizing exactly what had happened. He was a little perturbed, and we went inside to tell Kate. She was even more perturbed which surprised me, though I understood when she explained that she didn't know how we had knocked it over since it was buried in cement. Uh oh. We all poured out of the house to look at the damage. Sure enough, the cement was cracked and pushed up against the front wheel of the car, blocking us in. Eventually Kate's Dad came out to see what he could do. He took a pick ax to the block of cement and eventually was able to break it up enough to get it unstuck from behind the wheel. All this time everyone was buzzing about how there weren't any marks or anything on the car. I hadn't even heard anything, and Andy hadn't been going fast enough to make a dent. That's what we thought until I tried to open the front door. Then the damage became clear. There was a dent and large scratch right over where the seam of the door and the fender meet, pushing back the metal far enough so that I was not able to open the door more then three inches. We sobered up pretty fast. I was a little worried about what my parents would say, and we left in a rather silent mood. The next morning came and I told my story. My dad was able to bend the metal back far enough so that the door could be opened, so Andy and I started our Saturday in a much relieved mood. We had made plans to have breakfast and see a matinee of V For Vendetta since we thought he had to leave that night, but he found out that he didn't have to leave until Sunday morning. Therefore we had a leisurely breakfast and drove around the beach in the morning sun. As we were driving I spotted Mt. Agamenticus out of the corner of my eye. Struck by a sudden impulse I asked him if he'd like to go hiking. We both have a great sense of adventure and so we agreed. First we stopped by my house to grab my camera, better shoes, and a better jacket. Then we headed out. We found the mountain without too much trouble, and soon were ready to hike. We set off in high spirits, soon leaving the marked path to go bushwhacking on a more challenging route. The top was reached quickly and presented us with clear views all the way to Mt. Washington, and very, very cold wind. We hung out there for awhile, then discovered another trail down the other side of the mountain and decided to take that. This path was more challenging, mostly because much of it was covered in a clear sheet of ice. Andy tried to slide down at one point, though had little success other then getting his rear end very wet. At one point we lay down on a slanted rock directly in the sun and almost fell asleep. Awhile later we set off again, sometimes frolicking in the fields along the way, sometimes running, and sometimes trying very hard not to trip. Upon reaching the bottom of the mountain we tried to determine where we were exactly in relation to our car, but were soon distracted by something Andy saw off in the woods. More bushwhacking followed until be came upon a large swampy around deep in the woods. Most of the water was covered in ice, and I decided to see if I could walk on it. We had our doubts because through the ice we could see directly to the bottom of the two feet of water. I threw a large stick out onto the ice and nothing happened, so I gingerly stepped out. Still nothing. Andy joined me, and we heard a few cracks so he retreated. But I wouldn't give up. There appeared to be two layers of ice, and I headed out towards the middle where the ice looked thicker. As I reached more solid ice Andy followed slowly until we were both standing in the middle. I was somewhat puzzled at how solid the ice felt since we could see directly to the bottom of the water. Rather foolishly I began to jump up and down. Nothing happened. Andy joined me. Still nothing. Bending down I looked at all the plants and leaves and water under us, and suddenly realized that we were standing on completely solid ice. There was no running water. We could see all the way to the bottom because the ice went that far. Two feet or more. We stood in awe for awhile, neither of us having seen anything like it before. The ice extended through the trees in many directions, and we set off to explore. It was most magnificent. We wished we had had ice skates because there were many large areas of open ice. Instead we slid around on our feet. At one point we reached an area where there was actual running water underneath and Andy's foot went through, but we quickly retreated back to our solid platform. It was the most interesting thing, and we enjoyed it for over a half hour. When we were done we made our way back to the trail and asked a couple where the road back to our cars was. They pointed us further down the path, and we set off, though the road we reached was dirt. I wondered aloud at this since the road near our cars was paved. We didn't know which way to turn, so we went left first. Soon we appeared to be climbing, so we turned around and headed in another direction. The woods were thick around us, so we couldn't see what direction the mountain was in. We tried to get our bearings from the sun, and figured that we could just retrace out steps back up and down the mountain. Before this plan was put into action we discovered another path on the other side of the road. Adventure took hold of us and we set off to see where it led. Soon it ended by the side of a lake/pond/swamp/river. It extended a long ways into the distance, and we got down by the edge of the water to try to see where the mountain was. Blocked by a bend we decided to bushwhack along the water until we had a more clear view. Five minutes later we were happily seated in the sun by the edge looking at a little grove of trees a beaver had been working on. Andy began to explain about the different layers of the trees and how life works, and after a moment he got up to cut down a sapling to show me what he meant. He found a good tree about two feet up above the water, and I followed him to watch him work. There was a beaver stump rooted in the ground, and down below it was a slight drop off and then the water. I was concentrating on what Andy was doing, and I wanted to see better so I lifted my foot and pushed on the stump to see if it was safe to lean on. Alack alas. It broke, and the downwards motion of my foot followed it as I lost my balance and plunged downwards. My right foot hit the water and went under, and because the pond bottom was not solid and gave way, this helped my momentum and I fell forwards into the water. I did not go under all the way, but when I stood up dripping I was soaked from chest down. It all happened so fast, but the next moment Andy was pulling me up onto the bank. I was in shock, and he was laughing. Then I started to laugh too as it hit both of us that I was completely and totally soaked in freezing water, the air was about 30 degrees, and we were a long, long way from our car. We looked at each other for a moment, then attempted to squeeze some of the water out of my pants and shoes and sweatshirt. I was so cold that I didn't even feel it much. We decided we had to get back to our car as soon as possible otherwise I'd probably die. As we retraced our steps I soon lost all feeling in my legs and arms. Andy was worried, but he kept a great face and made me laugh at myself more than anything. Finding the road again we tried to determine if the best thing was to wait for a car and get a ride, or try and find it ourselves. I needed to keep moving, so we turned left and started jogging up the road. After about ten minutes we suddenly saw signs for York. Although the road was still dirt, we figured we were going in the wrong direction. At this point I was freezing, hungry, thirsty, and somewhat amused. We had set out to climb a mountain, perhaps being outside for an hour or so. Now it was going on our third hour, and we were a long ways from our car. Retracing our steps we found a man and asked him the fastest way back to our car. He told us to go the way up the road that we had the very first time we came to it. We started off, though we weren't convinced it was right since we were definitely headed up. We stopped a car and explained our situation, but they were headed into York and didn't offer a ride. The man had caught up to us by that time, and he told us to trust him since he had done the walk a thousand times. The three of us set out together, and soon were in lively conversation since he turned out to be a doctor, and a man who Andy agreed with completely on many different subjects. Andy had given me his jacket, and I burrowed inside, listening to the conversation and concentrating on moving one foot in front of the other. After what seemed like forever we saw our car and rejoiced, thanking the man for his advice and company. It had been an hour and ten minutes since I had fallen in the lake. I let Andy drive, and we pumped the heat up all the way. I took off my shoes, surprised to find my socks dripping and very bloody. I hadn't felt it, but both of my ankles were rubbed raw and cut up. After about 20 minutes I began to feel the heat, though by that time we were almost back to the house. When we did finally reach home sweet home I grabbed dry cloths and ran for the shower. Andy said he was going to go get us something to eat, so he left as I soaked myself in blessed warmness. My legs and chest were bright red, though slowly I regained feeling. I was so thankful that I hadn't gone under all the way since then I would have had a wet head and probably would have died. When I got out of the shower Andy still wasn't home so I put my soaked cloths in the dryer and cleaned up a little more. When I heard the car door I went to greet Andy and was completely touched when I saw him carrying donuts, hot chocolate, and a huge bouquet of the most gorgeous flowers. He had also gotten me a card that said "With deepest Sympathy: So sorry you're soaked!" I laughed and gladly ate the donuts and drank the warm hot chocolate, feeling much better and much happier. After we were both content we left to go to his house to get more food and to watch a movie before it was time for dinner and V for Vendetta. Soon after we arrived at his house Mom called to tell me that we had surprise company and that I should come home. It turned out that Chris and Sarah had surprised the girls by going to see their performance of the jungle book. Andy and I left and went back to my house to see them. I'm glad he got to meet them, and it was so awesome to see them again after such a long time. We had dinner with the family and then at 6:00 left for our movie. We went to smittys and got an appetizer and dessert. The movie itself was actually very, very good. I really enjoyed it and recommend it highly. Afterwards I brought him back to his house and we said our good-byes. What a day to end two amazing weeks. We both agreed that we get into all kinds of trouble together, but the adventures are good. We learned a lot: namely that when we go hiking, even if we're only planning on being out for a short time, we need to bring food, water, and an extra pair of clothes for me. Maybe two pairs. I might fall in twice! You never know what will happen with us.
So now Andy is gone back to school and I won't see him again until Prom.
My life shall definitely not be as exciting without him, but I'll be busy enough, and hopefully the 53 days will go by quickly!

And thus ends my tail of our adventures. If you have reached this far then I congratulate you heartily. Maybe you have learned something from your readings, and hopefully you had a good laugh at me.
Over and out.
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