По следам июньского пребывания во Владивостоке корреспондента "Нью-Йорк Таймс" Эндрю Хиггинса (тот самый парень, который
рассказывал мне о личных впечатлениях от событий на площади Тяньаньмэнь в 1989-м).
http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/24/world/asia/vladivostok-china-haishenwai-tourists.html - про китайских туристов во Владивостоке и характерные для них присказки "а вообще-то это наша землица". Автор подробно объясняет, почему "эта землица" никогда не была китайской, и растолковывает, почему игры с националистскими настроениями, в которые любят играть в Пекине (как и в Москве, впрочем) идут вразрез с официальной позицией властей.
Из забавного:
"Nikita Mikhalkov, a prominent film director known for his nationalist and somewhat paranoid views" :),
"demanding Vladivostok back is as unrealistic as Russia’s asking the United States to give back Alaska",
"Russia is almost never ranked in official statements alongside Britain, Japan and other former imperial powers that seized territory by force".
http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/15/world/europe/russia-looks-to-populate-its-far-east-wimps-need-not-apply.html?_r=0 - про питерского казака Юрия Бугаева, который собирается заселять Дальний Восток, чтобы не отдать его китайцам, и вообще про программу "дальневосточного гектара" и почему это очередная фикция.
Из забавного:
"...standing ankle deep in mud in a swampy grassland more than 4,000 miles from his home, Yuri Bugaev surveyed a mosquito-infested wasteland that the Russian government is offering to would-be pioneers...",
"the whole thing had been dreamed up by people in Moscow who had no understanding of the Far East but needed to show the Kremlin that they were doing something",
"while the area might look empty nearly all the land is already owned or at least claimed by somebody. And even if Mr. Bugaev were to get allotted land, developing it would require cooperation from 22 different government agencies responsible for enforcing a thicket of rules and regulations",
"of the 460 people who have applied since June, 1, 390 have been rejected outright because they failed to provide the necessary information. In all, only four people, all from Vladivostok, have thus far secured plots".