(no subject)

Nov 16, 2022 04:41

Невероятно. Прошло уже несколько часов, но CNN так ни разу и не предположило, что по Польше прилетели российские ракеты. Даже без "хайли лайкли" обходятся. Умеют же писать честно, когда припрёт.
(P.S. уточнение на всякий случай: я не смотрю CNN, только читаю их сайт. Но у них телек и сайт вроде раньше не расходились.)

Upd. Не могу найти источник вот этой фотки якобы куска ракеты С-300 якобы на месте взрыва. Кто видел --- подскажите.


Upd2. только что:
Biden says it's "unlikely" missile that fell in Poland was fired from Russia

From CNN's Maegan Vazquez and Kevin Liptak

US President Joe Biden said that preliminary information suggests it is unlikely the missile that caused an explosion in Poland on Tuesday and killed two civilians was fired from within Russia.

Speaking to reporters after meeting with other world leaders in Bali, Indonesia, the president was asked if it was too early to say whether the projectile was fired from Russia.

"There is preliminary information that contests that. I don’t want to say that until we completely investigate it," Biden responded.

He added that "it’s unlikely in the minds of the trajectory that it was fired from Russia. But we’ll see."

Earlier, Russia's Defense Ministry said reports of Russian missiles landing in Poland was a "deliberate provocation."
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