I find myself in the position that I must apologize to the people of Edge. It's not something that I have ever been good at or particularly like doing, but when I discover that I've been acting in error, it's best to admit it and go on.
For quite sometime now, the WRO and its president, Reeve Tuesti, have been receiving monetary assistance from business such as Rush Incorporated of Junon, Sufur Limited of Costa del Sol, and the rest of the companies listed in the documents I have laid in the hands of the Broken Edge. As those papers can and do prove, Rush (or RUfus SHinra) Incorporated, Sufur (or Rufus if you prefer it not backwards) is owned by me. These are my private holdings, not held by Shin-Ra Company. Shin-Ra Company itself had already been bled to the point of near death by contributions to the WRO that were needed to keep the WRO on its feet even while Shin-Ra was rebuilding, paying salaries, hiring as many workers as we could, and furthering our researching and development for new energy sources and ways of using them for the Planet.
I acknowledge that Shin-Ra owes the planet a larger debt than we can ever repay in my lifetime, the Planet and its people. It goes without saying that my company and I are the ones who put the world in the sorry state it's in. Therefore, it's our responsibility to set things right. That is what I have tried to do in the years since Meteor and until now.
In my father's reign, I saw a good many things happen and business practices be instituted that I, as Vice President, could not halt. When my father died, it was too late to do much but bring the Sister Ray to Midgar to try to save the city itself even at the price of Shin-Ra Company's destruction. I did so because I thought it was right although my father would have most likely left the city and moved operations elsewhere.
Reeve Tuesti, much like my father, is a very intelligent man. Although he rarely gets credit for it, he was the original architect of Midgar as well as saved many lives when he and the rest of Shin-Ra's people evacuated as many as possible as Meteor approached. However, as I have discovered, he is not a man who knows how to run a city. Ideas for Edge have been put forth that were mine, most notably his latest one of the immunizations as Doctor Neally at Edge. The doctor was good enough to approach me a short time ago and ask Shin-Ra to fund the venture. I did agree and have put up the money, but felt at the time it might be best to let the WRO do so to earn some public accolade so I strongly suggested the idea to Reeve Tuesti.
I tell you this now not because I want the credit but to make the public aware of the circumstances surrounding events as of late to avoid another party attempting to use them for blackmail against myself or Shin-Ra Company. It has always been known that even if we did not go about it in the best way or always have the intended outcome, Shin-Ra has done what it could to keep first Midgar and then Edge up and running. I see that long tradition being lost now when I must allow Shin-Ra, its employees, those we serve as well as myself held up to ridicule to save the WRO and its president.
Please do not take this as meaning that I am making a bid for leadership of the WRO. I am not. I believe that Shin-Ra can do more good without giving money, supplies, and corporate intelligence to an organization that I do not believe in any longer, especially while a man with no knowledge of the military or its operations controls the Planet's only standing army. That in itself is enough to make me nervous with that much military force held in the hands of the inexperienced. Shin-Ra Company will be doing all that we have before through the WRO still, simply being open about it now. Perhaps that would have been for the best all along.I do hope you will all continue to accept what assistance we can offer for the good of everyone.
-Rufus Shinra
(as released by WRO President Reeve Tuesti)
As flu season is almost upon us, and the weather is beginning to cool down, it is more important now than ever to keep the populace of the city healthy. To that end, the WRO would like to announce that, in cooperation with Edge Mercy, we will be offering free influenza vaccinations to all citizens starting in three days. The shots are recommended for all children over three, and to those over 50, but will be available to everyone. Please call either the WRO Hospital or Edge Mercy to set up an appointment. It only takes three minutes to safeguard yourself against a possible killer.
The WRO would also like to announce that we will be offering free medical care to the children of low-income families in the Edge and Junon areas. This medical care will cover children under the age of 13, and will provide for doctor's visits, emergency care, and cost of medication. This free clinic will be run twice a week, from 8AM to 8PM, and open 24/7 for emergency cases.