Who: Tifa Lockhart, Barret Wallace
Status: Open (It's a public restaurant~)
When: 9AM(ish)
Where: Edge, 7th Heaven
What: Tifa opens the restaurant, Barret stops by while the kids are at school to rant about the latest BioFuse news.
Things were usually slow in the morning. )
Barret was always a man of impulse with a quick temper. But as the years began to creep upon him, and his fight to chase away the demons of his past continued, he was able to place a leash on a good bit of that rage. He still struggled with it, struggled with the surge of violence that normally followed, but there was certainly noticeable progress.
That restraint was being tested as he walked through the doors of the familiar Seventh Heaven; his home away from the madness of WRO, BioFuse, and even Shin-Ra. Shin-Ra was no longer a threat to him, but their existence would always be a bitter reminder of his past. Then again, if it weren't for them, weren't Sephiroth, he wouldn't have some of the strong friendships that he did now. Like...
"Tifa!" he shouted, but there wasn't any anger or malice in the name. His greeting was simply loud, as a smile followed it when his eyes settled upon her. He'd been gone for months, away from his best friends and little girl. He'd even missed Denzel, whom he'd grown fond of over the years. Even though he was still out there helping the world, still fighting, he knew there would always be a semblance of welcome and warmth waiting for him there. "Marlene and Denzel keepin' out of trouble, or do I have to whoop some asses?"
"Barret! It's good to see you!" she returned the enthusiastic greeting. Not only was she not alone on a slow morning anymore, but now she had a friend to keep her company before she'd gone and cleaned the place again. She had to laugh at his remark, feeling good about just being able to laugh about anything at the moment. Tifa smiled, a teasing light in her brown eyes. "They've been good. Cloud too. Are you hungry? I can whip up some pancakes or something, if you want." Walking over to the table, she picked up the newspaper, hastily clearing away the unpleasant news in case Barret was already steaming about it.
He wore a thoughtful look as he took a second to think about the offer of breakfast, "Pancakes sound good. If ya don't mind, of course." And he knew she didn't, but the courtesy he knew she'd appreciate.
And then it came to the serious part--the paper. "I'm sure ya read what the hell them bastards are sayin' over at BioFuse..."
"Is blueberry good? I can make plain or chocolate chip too," Tifa asked, ever eager to please customers or friends with a hot meal. Unfortunately, it was just as she asked that he brought up the paper, causing that familiar feeling of distaste to build up in her mouth. At the mention of it, she was sure he'd be able to tell what her thoughts were on the subject. However, unpleasant as it was, Tifa didn't attempt to keep quiet about it this time.
"...It wasn't the nicest headline to wake up to," she admitted, shaking her head with a sigh. "I can't believe the politics that are involved in just trying to make the world a better place." Tifa forced a small laugh. "I guess I'm kind of a simple woman, huh?" It was true, though. She was used to fighting for the Planet, waging war against Shin-Ra... Difficult things at the time, but less complicated in a strange way.
In the end, however, even that hadn't been as simple and as black and white as she might've thought in the wake of Nibelheim. Tifa had to live every day knowing that she'd caused the deaths of a lot of innocent people in her crusade to bring down the evil empire that had been Shin-Ra Inc, and she knew that in ways she wasn't any better than them at the end of the day.
"Ain't gonna get much better. In fact, feels like it's only gonna get a lot worse. BioFuse..." he shook his head, raking a hand over his cornrows and down to the tips of his braids, "Good intentioned. But they seem a bit on the side of too radical."
"I know it seems really idealistic of me, but I wish it didn't feel like they're doing this for all the wrong reasons. Why does there need to be a competition to this place? It all just seems..." Tifa bit her lip, trying to find the right word. "I don't know. It seems a little fishy to me. It's hard to tell whether or not they're genuine, but I guess maybe that's just because I'm biased when it comes to world restoration organizations." It was hard to be fair, but it was the truth. Reeve, Vincent... They were her companions, her friends. She knew that the WRO was run by people who's hearts were in the right place, but how could she expect the rest of the world to blindly trust and follow an organization that was getting all this negative press from a rival group?
It was of some good news that he came across them both, for he'd be able to ask if they'd heard of anything important. Another glance around confirmed the lack of Cloud as well as the children before he took a seat at the bar. "Barret," he greeted.
"It ain't always easy to tell who doin' things for the right reasons and who doin' things for attention. If I didn't know Reeve like I did, maybe I'd think the same of him. I don't know, but this shit with BioFuse...it ain't right."
He stopped when he heard the bell chime to see Vincent stroll through the entrance. A small smile broke through as he watched him approach the table and greet him with only his name. Entirely Vincent-esque behavior. "Vincent, don't tell me you're here to steal my breakfast--I ain't afraid to fight you for it." He told him loud enough for Tifa to hear, the jest in his voice clear and obvious.
Yes, pancakes were a much more pleasant matter to contemplate as opposed to BioFuse.
Barret's enthusiastic greeting didn't go unheard, and she was all smiles again as took a quick break lean back through the doorway. Vincent was just in time to join in their discussion of politics over pancakes.
"Are you hungry, Vincent? I've got plenty here," Tifa's voiced carried just over the sizzling sounds emanating from the stove.
"As long as you have an excess," he replied to Tifa, voice raising only a fraction to be heard.
He glanced back toward Tifa for a moment before looking back at the newest of their gathering, a bit of a serious glint to his dark irises, "So, what are your thoughts on the headlines? Same as ours, I'd imagine. Prediction of trouble." He didn't need to ask the mysterious ex-Turk if he'd read the article, already knowing the man had a knack for keeping up to date on world wide events as well as the most obscure details on a situation.
The young woman let her mind wander, listening to Barret as he brought up BioFuse again and keep her mouth shut for the time being so as to listen to what Vincent had to say on the matter. Maybe there would be word of how Reeve was taking things? It couldn't have been well, considering. Tifa's eyes fixated on the batter as it puffed up, losing herself for a second or two before she snapped out of it.
If she wasn't careful, the pancakes would burn.
"I'm not against BioFuse's program. They pick up where the WRO is slacking, that is undeniable. But because WRO is a form of higher power, they will be critized the more." A brief shrug from him before he added, "Reeve may be stopping by."
"I don't mean to interrupt, but does anyone want any coffee?" she asked, trying to sound cheerful despite the gloomy news.
Tifa's attempt at cheer caught his attention, and he glanced at her briefly before diverting his attention elsewhere.
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