Monthly Wrap-Up: April (with commentary): ETA

Apr 20, 2012 20:32

ETA: I went and posted more fic. I'm sure you're not surprised. :P

This month, I produced 16 femslash offerings, 27 28 gen offerings, 31 32 het offerings, 26 28 slash offerings, and one offering that defied categorization, for a total of 101 105 HP fandom offerings-one five more than my goal for April!-and a total of 36,538 38,238 words. *dances* ( Read more... )

fandom, life, monthly wrap-up

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Comments 27

lunafish April 21 2012, 02:38:59 UTC
You are completely awesome! One hundred, one fics posted and 78,593 words written--I stand in awe! But you know what? You've also given me incentive to get this damn dissertation of mine finished; you just seem to put so much joy into your writing. :-D

Oh, and I'm glad you're not even tempted to let the critics dictate your methods. What I love about your stories is how diverse and often completely unexpected they are. I don't always feel comfortable commenting on certain stories--in case rl people track me down and see what I'm actually doing with all my time (esp. when I should be writing that diss I mention, lol)--but, to be honest, I've read every single one of the 101 stories this month and enjoyed all of them.

Whoops, I just gave myself away.... ;)


iulia_linnea April 21 2012, 15:10:51 UTC

Yay! I'm glad you're inspired to finish your thesis; I know how it feels to get stalled like that. Perhaps you just needed a break from it? Good luck!

*blushes more deeply*

You are good for the ego, my friend! I'm quite pleased to know you've been enjoying what you've read here; that makes me want to write more. *twirls*


lunafish April 21 2012, 17:21:08 UTC
Perhaps you just needed a break from it? Good luck!

Thank you! I did need a break, I think. Not that I haven't spent a lot of time being distracted and surfing the web, but I always felt guilty about it. Once I decided to dispense with the guilt and officially set aside some time for play throughout the day just to give me breathing space, it's gotten better. It's still slow going, but now it doesn't feel like complete and utter torture. (LOL, I just realized writing is like dieting for me! It only works if I don't approach it as punishment.)


iulia_linnea April 21 2012, 18:31:06 UTC
Once I decided to dispense with the guilt and officially set aside some time for play throughout the day just to give me breathing space, it's gotten better.

Wise policy! Play is necessary, I think; it allows the back channels time to work. :D


delphipsmith April 21 2012, 05:00:46 UTC
Holy crap, do I feel like a slacker LOL! Congratulations on an amazing achievement :)


iulia_linnea April 21 2012, 15:13:39 UTC
Thank you so much! :D

Oh, and please don't feel like a slacker. I wasn't kidding about being cyclothymic (think of it as "bipolar light"); there are some times when I couldn't write a store list, and it all depends on my brain chemistry-so I take advantage of it when I can. :P


missingkeys April 21 2012, 06:38:53 UTC
You have done *such* an amazing job this month, love. You should be really proud of yourself.

I'm surprised by some of the points in your post, because I never imagined they'd come up. Good work for keeping your head up.


iulia_linnea April 21 2012, 15:16:36 UTC
*is proud; thanks*

Meh, some people have to be told about fandom conventions in order to know how to behave, I find. It does occasionally get old, but I've already forgotten the complaints. :)


missingkeys April 21 2012, 19:10:56 UTC
I suppose; that makes sense. I'm glad you have, though. Makes for a far more pleasant fandom experience. <3


eaivalefay April 21 2012, 07:27:56 UTC
*grin* I love how you methodically and thoroughly deal with issues. Just saying. *loves* I must call you! Just to poke at you!


iulia_linnea April 21 2012, 15:17:42 UTC
Hee! *hugs*

Yes, you should call! Or I should. We fail at calling! *loves*


eaivalefay April 22 2012, 04:50:52 UTC
We do! I think I fail a bit more than you do however. *hugs, loves* My schedule is chaotically disorganized.


eaivalefay April 22 2012, 04:52:43 UTC
Ack, calling this weekend is running short. Um. Any day in particular good for you? I don't want to interrupt anything (including sleep)!


duniazade April 21 2012, 10:52:22 UTC
Wow! That was incredible and awesome. *wild applause*

I have still to catch up on some, which proves that you write faster than I can read. :D

Was very amused by the malcontents; it takes real talent at malcontentment to raise the points they were malcontented about.


iulia_linnea April 21 2012, 15:19:52 UTC
*bows* Thank you!

This month, I've been writing faster than I can read. :P I hope you enjoy what you read, and thanks for commenting. I've had so much fun!

Yes, well, I think the complainers were largely newbies who weren't yet used to fandom interaction. I hope they've stopped being so fussed.


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