Monthly Wrap-Up: April (with commentary): ETA

Apr 20, 2012 20:32

ETA: I went and posted more fic. I'm sure you're not surprised. :P

This month, I produced 16 femslash offerings, 27 28 gen offerings, 31 32 het offerings, 26 28 slash offerings, and one offering that defied categorization, for a total of 101 105 HP fandom offerings-one five more than my goal for April!-and a total of 36,538 38,238 words. *dances* I'm quite proud of myself for exeeding my writing goal, and I had loads of fun doing it; thank you, everyone who prompted me, and much love to those of you who were kind enough to comment on my fic. *hugs* To you lurkers out there (and thank goodness for stats): I hope you enjoyed what you read. :D

A few issues came up this month that I'd like to discuss.

To start, I don't usually categorize my fic by genre in my wrap-ups because there generally isn't so much of it, but this month, I wanted to make it easy for people to find the fic they'd be most interested in reading. I also don't tag fic by genre in my journals as a matter of course because I find it problematic (an example of such a problematic fic is the Nargles/Luna one I wrote this month; most fen wouldn't accept a "smutty gen" piece, and there's no telling the sex of those Nargles!); people's ideas of where gen fic leaves off and relationship fic begins vary, and sometimes, a fic can be read as more than one genre (is, for example, girl!Harry Snarry het or slash? People disagree, and I think that it depends upon the fic; that said, I tend to label it het because of people's expectations), so it makes the most sense to me to simply tag my fic by character(s), pairing(s), and threesome(s). All of my fic may be found through links in my journals' sidebars and profiles, and my fic master lists are presented in abecedarian order. If you're looking for a specific character, pairing, or threesome, check my tags (which aren't always in abecedarian order, so check all the names for which you're looking).

The second issue that came up this month is prompt-answering "etiquette." I do two things when I answer prompts: One, I allow prompts to inspire me as they will, no matter that a set of one-word prompts might imply that a specific sort of fic is desired by a prompter; taking prompts isn't the same thing as accepting an assignment to write a gift fic. Two, as I'm almost exclusively an HP writer, I connect all my fic to canon (and the canon from which I work, unless I specify otherwise, is comprised of the seven core books), so if I receive prompts that have nothing to do with the Potterverse, I make them have something to do with it. If you find this sort of thing disappointing, please don't prompt me. Related to this issue is the fact that I sometimes make shit up (which horrified a few new readers of mine this month); if I didn't want to explore and expand upon canon, I wouldn't write fanfic at all. If you don't like that sort of creative enhancement of the Potterverse, please don't prompt me. As well, because I'm a book canon sort of girl, I have no desire to argue with anyone about, say, the color of Petunia's hair, especially when that person is basing his or her assertion of what's canonical on the movies. No, I don't look down on fen whose knowledge of the HP 'verse is based solely on the movies, but I have no patience with being told that I'm "doing it wrong" when I'm not.

This leads me to the third issue that came up this month with regard to differences in characterization. Not everyone's is going to be the same, particularly if they don't participate in the same RPGs as you do. It's bad form, then, to prompt someone to write a fic about what is essentially an original character and then complain to the writer that he or she characterized that character "incorrectly." Seriously, people who do this, why are you in fandom? More importantly, why did you prompt me? If you want to read fic concerning your version of a character, write that fic yourself. As a pairing whore, I find it offensive to be taxed with the you're-doing-it-wrong argument when there is no wrong way to characterize-in or out of fandom! (And I think you understand this concept, people who argued with me about it this month, because you didn't make your objections public in the hopes that other fen would chime in and agree with you. Bring your discussion; I welcome it-just don't expect me to embrace your characterizations.)

The last issue I'd like to address has to do with how I take prompts. I was asked by a few people this month why I don't always take prompts publicly. More than that, I was told that my not doing so was "unfair." I snort in the general direction of your self-entitlement. The fact is, I like hearing what people have to say about my fic, and I've found that the people from whom I'm mostly likely to receive comments are on my flist; hence, I often take prompts from my flist. No, I don't write fic solely to receive comments (I write it because it's fun for me and I enjoy discussing the concepts I explore in my fic with others), but I don't think it's unreasonable of me to write for the people who read my shit and occasionally tell me what they think of it.

Now then, issues addressed, I'd like to point out that because of how I've categorized my wrap-up, the (consecutive) numbering of the fics under the cuts is just to prove how many of them I actually wrote in April; it does not designate the order in which I posted fic this month. If you're interested in seeing my April fic in posting order, please see my archive/calendar.

One last thing: if you disagree with how I've categorized any of the fics below, please see my discussion of Issue One under this post's first cut. *smooches flist; waves to lurkers; presents 101 105 April drabbles/ficlets/fics*


1. Apology of Petals, An (PG; Irma/Pomona; 125 words)

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2. Coming True (PG; Charity/Aurora, Severus; 350 words): Aurora is surprised to discover that Severus has encouraged Charity to grant one of her wishes.

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3. Disarmed (G; Millicent/Luna; 200 words): Prettiness trumps rightness.

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4. Finding Understanding (G; Hermione/Luna; 100 words)

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5. Flight of Fancy (G; Xiomara/Irma; 100 words)

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6. Just Between Girls (R; Lily Luna/Minerva, implied other pairings; 2000 words): Lily Luna cocks things up but good, only to learn about secrets that are just between girls.

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7. Shopping for Attention (PG; Luna/Pansy, Male Character; 630 words): Luna does a little shopping.

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8. Soothing Infusion, A (PG; Pomona/Xiomara; 100 words)

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9. Special Tea, A (NC-17; Dolores/Cho; 200 words): Dolores' specialty is getting the answers she needs.

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10. Sweat (PG; Dolores/Alecto; 550 words): Dolores doesn't like to lose, but she's always liked to see other people sweat.

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11. Taste of Loss, A (G; Hermione/Daphne, other Slytherins; 656 words): Slytherins and Gryffindors don't mix.

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12. Time Well Spent (G; Ginny/Luna; 100 words)

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13. Two Mothers (PG; Narcissa/Lily; 300 words): Narcissa's spared Lily's son once before.

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14. Unexpected Distraction, An (NC-17; Luna/Ginny; 150 words)

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15. Vegetal Love, A (PG-13; Luna/Ginny; 100 words)

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16. What's Normal for Girls (NC-17; Luna/Hermione; 200 words): Luna teaches Hermione how to communicate her needs.

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17. As Bidden (G; Severus, Lucius, implied Lord Voldemort; 130 words)

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18. As Expected (PG; Andromeda, Narcissa; 100 words)

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19. Before the Game (G; Albus, Minerva, mention of Severus; 200 words): Albus and Minerva share many interests.

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20. Birthday Present (PG; Lucius, Severus; 200 words): Lucius and Severus look to the future.

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21. Brave Puppy (PG; Hagrid, unnamed boys, original puppy; 100 words): Hagrid rescues his first pet.

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22. Broken Boundaries (G; Hagrid, implied creatures; 130 words): Fatherhood is frustrating.

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23. Clear but Unquiet (G; Severus; 100 words)

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24. Combinations of Diversity (G; Severus, Spock, Hermione, Nyota; 1400 words): Even though he didn't learn about it from Muggle telly, Severus embraces the idea of infinite diversity in infinite combinations. (A rare cross-over fic from me!)

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25. Concern for Standards, A (G; Sybill, Luna, Draco; 280 words): Sybill asks Luna and Draco a question; Draco misses the point.

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26. Disbelief (G; Severus, Albus; 200 words): For Severus, some things are harder to believe than others.

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27. Early in the Game (G; Minerva, Poppy; 200 words): Minerva's been dealt a bad hand.

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28. Face of Fear, The (G; Petunia; 180 words)

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29. Frustrations of Dedication, The (G; Charlie, Draco, Kingsley; 150 words)

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30. Hatred as a Tool of Remembrance (PG-13; Hermione, Severus, Harry, Portrait!Albus, Portrait!Phineas Nigellus; 1300 words): Severus knows what it's like to need to remember oneself; Hermione has forgotten, among other things, how much she once hated Snape.

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31. Imagining Mithral (G; Argus; 230 words): Mrs Norris is not the only woman in Argus' life.

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32. Jabber (PG; Millicent, Original Kneazle, Mr Bulstrode; 225 words): Millicent's father is an uffish sort.

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33. Marmalade Man, A (PG; Horace, Marjorie, Ripper; 1650 words): Thinking with his stomach, Horace takes advantage of a lonely Muggle.

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34. Men of the House, The (PG; Lysander, Lorcan; 200 words): Lysander and Lorcan unite against a common enemy.

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35. On Assignment in Lancashire (PG; Harry, OFC/OFC, Draco; 250 words): Harry finds himself jealous of a suspect's relationship while on assignment in Lancashire with Draco.

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36. On His Own (G; Harry; 200 words)

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37. Playmates (G; Rodolphus, Rabastan/Evan; 100 words): Rodolphus is concerned by Rabastan's playfulness.

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38. Relative Solitude (G; Lucius, Marge, Petunia; 325 words): The desire to be out of the presence of unwanted family is one which wizards and Muggles share.

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39. Society for the Protection of Feline Beings, The (G; Severus, Millicent, Hermione; 600 words): Severus supports Millicent's efforts.

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40. To Rhyme is Divine (G; George, Luna, Hugo, others implied; 100 words): Aunt Luna and Uncle George share a moment of silliness with the children.

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41. Towards Effective Tail-Chasing (PG; Hermione, Crookshanks, Argus, Severus; 700 words): Argus knows a thing or two about mongrels.

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42. Victory and Biscuits (G; Severus, Filius, others; 200 words): At Hogwarts, it's not a cheese plate; it's an excuse to play at victory and biscuits.

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43. Without a Fight (G; Aberforth, Neville, Harry, implied Neville/Ginny; 100 words)

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44. WWHD (PG; Ron, Rose, Hugo; 100 words): Ron has a what-would-Hermione-do moment.

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45. Bold Strokes and Endless Colours (PG-13; Dean/Hermione; 1159 words): Dean persuades Hermione to stop painting by the numbers.

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46. Bollocks Enough (PG; Dudley/Pansy, Harry; 415 words): Dudley decides to take up the challenge of Pansy.

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47. Desperate Interview, A (PG-13; Draco/Luna, Narcissa, Lucius; 2095 words): Looking for forgiveness-and a job-Draco applies to Luna.

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48. Familial Function, A (PG; Teddy/Roxanne, Victoire, 200 words): Given Teddy's "shyness," Victoire is only too happy to perform a familial function for Roxanne.

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49. Fortune Favours the Brave (PG; Bill/Fleur; 100 words)

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50. Happy Wife, Happy Life (PG; Severus/Luna, original Kneazle; 100 words): It takes less time to train a Kneazle than it does a husband.

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51. Having Her Way (PG; Narcissa/Neville, Draco; 100 words)

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52. His Hero (G; Neville/Luna, Rita Skeeter; 200 words)

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53. In Capable Hands (PG; Severus/Daphne, OFC; 400 words): Severus enjoys being in capable hands.

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54. In the Greenhouse (NC-17; Neville/Pansy, Neville/Luna; 400 words): There are no delicate flowers in the greenhouse.

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55. In Want of Company (PG-13; Severus/Millicent, Harry; 815 words): Severus hates people. Millicent hates people, too. They do not, however, love their own company.

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56. Inevitable Conclusion (PG-13; Girl!Harry Snarry, Molly; 415 words): Severus gives Harry a wand.

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57. Just a Matter of Time (G; Blaise/Millicent, Mrs Zabini, implied OCs; 200 words): Blaise's mother overstays her welcome.

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58. Lady and the Tramp, The (PG; Mundungus/Minerva, Aberforth; 550 words): Minerva accepts Mundungus' remedy for shock.

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59. Lady in Waiting (R; Lucius/Girl!Harry; 905 words): Lucius can see exactly for what Potter's waiting.

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60. Naughty Nurse on Holiday, A (PG-13; Poppy/Rabastan; 150 words)

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61. Not the Sharpest . . . (PG-13; Minerva/Lucius; 475 words): Minerva has a discreet fascination for blonds with foolish lusts.

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62. Observation and Attention (NC-17; Millicent/Harry; 1900 words): Harry engages in a little professional observation without realising that he's attracted the attention of others.

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63. One Cloudy Night (PG; Severus/Aurora; 100 words): Severus appreciates discretion.

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64. Parting Company (G; Kingsley/Luna; 200 words): Kingsley and Luna say goodbye.

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65. Partnering Percy (G; Percy/Luna, George, Ginny; 200 words): Percy's not much of a player; thankfully, his family doesn't mind helping him find a partner.

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66. Playing the Field (PG; Harry/Alicia; 100 words)

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67. Regular, The (PG; Aberforth/Minerva; 130 words)

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68. Rose-y Future, A (G; Ginny/Neville; 220 words): Neville and Ginny enjoy their evening in the children's garden.

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69. Shock (PG; Stan/Pansy; 150 words)

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70. Songbird (G; Harry/Luna; 100 words): Harry appreciates Luna.

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71. Taking Luna (NC-17; Percy/Luna, George, various other Weasleys; 1414 words): Percy's more of a Weasley than he realises he is; Luna proves it to him.

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72. Taking the Air (G; Harry/Susan; 284 words): Harry and Susan take the air, and the time to comfort one another.

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73. Two Strokes towards Forgiveness (G; Severus/Minerva; 100 words)

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74. Unwinding at Home (PG; Severus/Millicent; 100 words)

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75. Wedding Guest, The (R; Severus/Bellatrix; 100 words)

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76. With Love (G; Severus/Minerva; 100 words): Severus prepares a present for Minerva.

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77. Caveat Smeltonia (PG-13; Vernon Dursley/Vincent Crabbe, Sr; 350 words): Vincent isn't one of the lads.

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78. Christmas Pick-Up, A (PG; Charlie/Draco, others; 400 words): A Christmas pick-up by Charlie delivers Draco from the rigours of Weasley holiday cheer.

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79. Christmas Queer (NC-17; Remus/Heathcote; 1163 words): "Father Christmas" bears a package for Remus to the Forest of Dean.

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80. Close Enough (PG; Snupin; 200 words)

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81. Direct Line, A (PG-13; Blaise/Draco; 200 words)

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82. Domesticated with Care (PG-13; Charlie/Draco; 100 words)

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83. Foolish Wand-Waving (PG; Severus/Regulus; 100 words): Glitter plus lube equals an excuse, not that wizards need one, of course.

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84. Frustrating Composition, A (PG; Albus/Severus; 150 words): Sometimes, Severus could just kill Dumbledore.

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85. Good Long Fun Time, A (PG-13; Dudley/Piers, OMC; 100 words)

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86. Great Moments in Costuming (PG; Harry/Draco, Madam Malkin; 300 words): Looking for inspiration, Harry finds a lot more than he imagined at Madam Malkin's.

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87. In Trade (PG-13; Aberforth/Severus; 200 words): Aberforth takes what he can get.

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88. Kneazle and Toad, Living Together (G; Trevor/Crookshanks, Neville, Hermione; 200 words): Stubborn toad is stubborn.

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89. Lord of the Manor (NC-17; Lucius/Girl!Harry; 1050 words): After awakening with Lucius, Harry is in no doubt that he likes cock, Lucius' almost more than his own. (Follows Lady in Waiting.)

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90. Making Trouble (PG; Harry, Fred, George, implied George/Harry; 535 words): Fred's not alone in still being up to his old tricks.

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91. Message Received (PG; Severus/Kingsley; 100 words)

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92. Most Important Interview, A (G; Snarry, others; 500 words): Together, Harry and Severus seek to undertake a most important job, the other applicants be damned.

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93. Need in His Eyes, The (NC-17; Severus/Regulus; 560 words): Regulus doesn't understand why Severus finds Lupin so fascinating. It's not right, his mooning over a Gryffindor.

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94. Other Regular, The (PG; Hagrid/Aberforth; 150 words)

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95. Practical Demonstration, A (G; Charlie/Harry; 200 words): Charlie favours the hands-on approach.

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96. Practised Display, A (PG-13; Charlie/Harry; 150 words): Harry's not in the habit, but he'd like to be. (Follows A Practical Demonstration.)

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97. Rights of Men (G; Remus/Kingsley; 100 words)

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98. Stroke of Luck, A (NC-17; Filch/Montague; 200 words): Mrs Norris finds a treat; Argus takes advantage.

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99. Teacher Leads, and the Student Follows, The (PG; Lucius/Harry; 300 words): Harry develops an interest in certain rituals that dovetails nicely with his fascination for blonds.

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100. Thirteen (NC-17; Rabastan/Severus; 100 words)

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101. Unexpected Victory, An (PG; Severus/Regulus; 100 words)

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102. Unrequited Fascinations (G; Colin/OMC, the Creeveys, the Sorting Hat; 355 words): Colin has always been quick to develop fascinations . . . for the right sort of boys.

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103. Wind-Up, The (PG; Snarry, OMC; 200 words): Harry winds Severus up; Severus falls down.

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104. Without Instruction (NC-17; Charlie/Kingsley; 150 words)

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105. Mythical Creature Make-Up Sex (NC-17; Nargles/Luna; 637 words): Luna lures the Nargles to her bed, hoping that they'll bring with them all of the belongings they stole from her over the term.

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P.S. Yes, my posting the wrap-up this early means that I won't be writing any more fanfic this month (ETA: Ha!); RL's demands beckon, so if I'm not around much during the next few weeks, don't fret. (ETA: And now that I've added four more fics to this wrap-up, I probably won't be posting any more this month.)

Oh, and because I have a vain need to crow about it desire to look on the bright side of things, I take leave to tell you that my total word count for this month (and this includes RL-related fiction and non-fiction) is 78,593 80,293. *twirls* There is at least one benefit to being cyclothymic. :P I do miss sleeping, though. Perhaps next month . . . .

fandom, life, monthly wrap-up

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