Loyalty (PG; Millicent, others; 100 words)

Feb 25, 2016 16:46

In lieu of the long, Millicent-centric fic that popped into my mind a while back, I wrote Loyal (PG; Millicent, others; 100 words): However broken, Millicent remains loyal.

Warlock was Millicent's three-legged, ill-tempered cat; he'd lost a leg to Monty.

"It isn't uncommon for the broken ones to turn violent."

Born a Squib, Monty's jealous reaction to the "spoilt" nine-year-old Millicent's birthday kitten had proved the last straw for the Bulstrodes, who'd summoned a Healer to remove their son.

At the time, Monty had scratched and bitten and yowled, and so had Millicent-but despite the adults' threats, she'd not let go of Warlock.

"And I won't let go of you now," she whispered to her growling boy, as she and the other Slytherins were banished from Hogwarts.

millicent bulstrode, drabbles/ficlets

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