A place to come back to

Mar 05, 2018 20:08

Years go by too fast, and keeping a journal about my life became not a priority. The last time I published something, I actually had my dreams and hopes intact, not so much nowadays.

I've nearly graduated from college, I've finished all my classes and I've only got my undergraduate thesis left for properly being a full clinical biochemist. Which... I ended up discovering it definitely wasn't what I wanted to do with my life.

I might have discovered other passions (Please do note that biochemistry was never a passion of mine, but I digress), including museums and bringing science over to everyone. I'm still in the progress of building new goals for myself, after having four terrible years since the last time I posted something here.

You could say that I'm still in a healing process.

It's funny, according to the information on this account of mine I've been in Livejournal for 11 (eleven!) years, but I can remember an older account -now purged-, that existed at least since 14 years ago. The last time I posted text was nearly four years ago, Livejournal has become more and more of a niche giving way to first Tumblr and now Twitter and Instagram... But I still come back.

I'm not promising anything, but I'm certain I'll still come back to Livejournal. Until the site dies. By some Russian entity, probably. It's familiar, it's nice, it's comfortable. It's some sort of internet home. 
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