I will finish these, but as of now, they're just works in progresses. This was a productive break... well, fun-wise, not art-wise. Back to school next week... blahhhhhhh! The main purpose of this LJ was to use as an art/sketch blog and I haven't done a damn thing. lol SAD. So, here are some rough sketches I'm still working on.
So, I have GIMP now. Simple, compare to photoshop, but I dig it. Until I find a sweet hookup for certain software, I'll just stick with GIMP for now. Anyways, I have two dragon age OTPs: Coulistair(My Rosetta Cousland & Alistair or as I somestimes call them: Alisetta) and my equally as OBSESSED MahaZev(My Mazelyna Mahariel & Zevran or Zevlyna) *snerk* I don't show them much love, but I'm currently trying to write down fanfiction based on their love story. I got one chapter down! lol Anyways, a lil background info on my Mahariel. Her name is Mazelyna and I nickname her Miss. SERIAZBIZNIZ for a reason. She's serious... pretty cold... and kinda bitchy. Underneath her cold exterior is just a young woman who's cradling a broken heart and trying to carry the weight of civil war and darkspawn on her shoulders. :P
Which... makes me LOVE her relationship with Zev because he loves to mess with her lil head. Aw, he just wants her to loosen up. I imagine Zev doing this every time she least expects it. Then she beats the the Antivan outta him, but he comes back every time. <3
Zev: Excuse me, Warden, do you have a moment to spare?
Mazelyna: [Moody as usual] Make it quick, Zevran.
Zev: [Makes sure companions are aware of them and plants a smooch on her little nose] :-*
Maz: [Caught off guard] 0//////0
Zev: >:]
Maz: [Proceeds to beat the crap outta him]
Ah, yes, she's the same Mahariel from the 'Antivan Milk Sandwich' comic.
img718.imageshack.us/img718/7177/doamilksandwich2.png Oh, I went to my first club! It was soooo much fun. I forgot how much I love dancing. lol I even danced with this guy. :3 I got inspired from our moves and so I drew a modern Alisetta dancing intimately at the club. Watch those hands, Alistair!
This was done after I got GIMP and tried out coloring. Cousland... post DAO. This was based off a picture of Natalie Dormer, whom I base my Cousland off of. If I'd pick anyone to play my Cousland, she'd be it. lol
Avatar: The Last Air Bender OC's... Cuz I like other things too. lol