Title: Plushy!Miyuki
Fandom: Daiya no A
Raiting: Gen
Characters: Watanabe Hisashi, Others
Wordcount: 1500
Not beted ;D
The plushy fell out of his storage box by accident. He was looking for some long misplaced school project for Midori to maybe update and re-cycle and there it was. The memory was old - seemed it happened to someone from another world - but with physical evidence in hand it all returned surprisingly clear.
Thursday afternoon was usually quiet affair at Watanabe household. None of them had exciting lives so dinner talk was usually just mom chattering and he and his dad filling up. This particular night though it was as if his dad was hit by lightening. He dashed into the house, forget to properly leave his coat by the doors and started to animatedly recount embassy project of enabling the senior staff to acquire the new, improved zombies. No collars, ZOM-COM guaranteed nanotechnology, perfect for housework and companionship.
Father was working with zombies everyday at the US embassy and loved them. Would have probably gotten one much sooner but they didn't ship well and restrictive Japanese regulation basically only enabled purchase of immediate family and neither grandma nor grandpa were well enough for passing - which he knew because father was heartbroken over it for months.
Mother on the other hand was much less enthusiastic. She was of mind that dead tissue should not be in any way involved in food preparation and even as enthusiastic as father was he knew better than to argue that point.
As it turned out, the offer was, after all, too good to pass on and not a week later Hisashi's dad brought home their first family zombie.
“Maybe not good for cooking” father reasoned with good humor as mother tapped her feet expecting explanation “but it will keep excellent company to our Hi-chan won't it?”
He laughed jovially as he reached out to bend the zombie head in greeting. It is or was a boy. Older than Hisashi but barely. Undoubtedly dead. One pupil was blown wide, the other pinprick small. There was probably a wound hidden under tidy clothing or maybe the hair. Hisashi was in no way into the newest trend of being followed around by dead grandma, dead brother or dead parent. He thought robots were cooler than zombies by large margin and planned to actually study bio-robotics as soon as he'll be able to get out of high school. But getting one that was not a family member could be fun.
The Zombie - as father explained petting zombies brown hair and moving them around to show how they hid sutures - was a failed test subject for newest ZOM-COM nanowiring. Failed because of the eyes. They were supposed to be aesthetically pleasing but came out like this. It is fully functional and safe model but given away basically for free and “isn't it nice to finally get with the times?”.
Maybe it was. But that night - alone in his room with his homework and his zombie "nice" was not what he was feeling. Firstly zombie didn't reacted to anything at all that wasn't directly transmitted into the collar. A feature that father explained will fade as the zombie gets used to it. He is - after all - very fresh. Secondly - for someone dead - he looked incredibly sad. Zombie kids and zombie grandmas maybe weren't talkative but mostly looked to be at least somewhat contented in their situation - some even reaching out for their owners as if to show affection. The zombie just stood there, motionless, his freaky eyes unfocused, looking as if he was about to cry.
It was almost three months before he found out why that was. During that time the zombie conquered his parents hearts, his teachers hearts, his classmates hearts and to some extend his own too. It was endlessly useful - all zombie were. Didn't tire, didn't sleep. Mother strongly held believes about undead hygiene in the kitchens crumbled to dust two weeks in, when it turned out it could bake. She couldn't, and also hated it, but loved baked goods so forced herself sometime. Dad theorized there was something in the mechanical, repetitive motion of mixing ingredients that was familiar to the zombie but largely it didn't matter - the cupcakes were good. The zombie soon became busy, and also a small local sensation.
It remained patently unhappy though. Hisashi could tell and he has kind of started to get used to that. Sad zombie slowly shuffling his room into cleanliness, sad zombie polishing his dad car with aborted, choppy movement, his mother chirping at sad zombie as it folded flour and butter into something delicious. The list went on.
Sad zombie actually watching high school baseball try-outs with his dad was new. On a rare free day dad decided to go see how practice was going and took the zombie with him mostly because he liked it. Hisashi spotted them from his spot on the field and while that was frowned upon waved in greeting. Practice games he got to play in were fun but he has already resigned himself to the fact that he preferred watching the game to playing the game. Some people on the field were much more serious though - played for keeps - and that's why it was shocking when one of the new pitchers threw his glove on the way to the mound and shot of into the stands. Whatever else could be said about him the boy could run like the wind. In no time he was... Running up to his dad? No. No he was actually running for their zombie, who for his part was kept in place by his probably flabbergasted father.
Game was halted due to no-one paying in any mind. The pitcher - Sawamura - was having some kind of mental breakdown in the audience, crying in despair and reaching for the zombie that he was kept a safe distance away from by bystanders. Hisashi got there just in time for the other boy to calm down some and start making sense through snot and tears. The zombie appeared to be his friend - Kazuya - who died and was then commissioned by his guardian for the experimental treatment. That failed and thus the boy got sent to the market where embassy bought him as part of workers entitlement program. It was a huge coincidence that the other boy spotted him and recognized him…
Hisashi was paying attention up to that point - piecing fragmented and soggy explanation into something that made sense - but then happened to look at the zombie and froze. The zombie was looking at the crying boy with his blown eyes wide open, mouth half-agape and - most of all - didn't seem sad anymore.
From then things went firstly very complicated and then very simple: the Sawamura boy wanted the zombie like it was a part of his own body, even if he was really bad at expressing this sentiment, and the zombie - as much as it was possible for them - wanted to be his. They tried for something like joined custody for some time but in only worked in that zombie seemed less sad when the Sawamura boy was there, without almost smile thing that happened that one time at the stadium and Watanabe household was of big enough heart to not force the issue and just ceded ownership of one zombie Miyuki Kazuya to Sawamura Eijun. Since then the zombie ambles around after the other boy with the very same almost smile on it's face - making the freaky eyes seem even freakier. They even played catch sometimes - Hisashi remembered with a smile.
The puppet was a gift. Something akin to thank-you note written by a zombie who couldn't move well enough to write. Two weeks after he moved into dorms with Sawamura he ambled up to his desk - in a another classroom, in another part of the school, Sawamura hovering in the hallway probably - and placed little thing on it. It was a plushy, made from arts and crafts materials - wool, plush, something soft filling it. There was - in black thread - wide smile sewn onto the plushie's face. Two buttons - one very big one very small - made the eyes. It was recognizably a plushy of Miyuki himself, maybe done to keep him company even though he's away. Very cute gesture. Very cute puppet.
It was still cute quarter of a century later, though faded and somewhat tattered, when he found it while looking for project ideas for his daughter. He spared a thought to what is his zombie life now. Prized property of a world class athlete. Probably still looked like the kid he died as so maybe they were mistaken for father and son now. Maybe he was undergoing intense tissue reanimation therapy. Hisashi heard they were making all kinds of things possible now. No matter though. What mattered was were he still smiling like the plushy here did? Was everything all right with him? Maybe it was time to try and find out.
Thank you for participating in "Give Itylien zombie DNA things she seems to crave" event! I decided to make it cute because the plushy was cute.
There will be two more comming. ;D