I have read some romantic Non-Con. That means I have another fandom to look through that I thought I will never, ever get interested in.
Romantic Non-Con. The shit must have been hot to the fucking touch to inspire that kind of porn.
But, as I obtained the show - got to know it a little, enough to know when to stop watching ( but I suppose it will be self-evident like it was with WAT) and what to expect... Nothing prepared me for the shock of VOICES!!
OMFG! Who are these people?! Also who is writing dialogs? How the fuck mother who talks like that can have a son with that accent?! Is that even possible? I am going to have a problem with voices.
Main character. Peter? Is Emo. Emo!Peter to be exact. He even looks like Emo!Peter Parker. The one of Spider-man. He looks EXACTLY like him. Someone somewhere said the guy who plays his brother, the one with the jaw (and the jaw is a stuff of legend. Of it should be) could play Marcone. I don't remember who and where but that person haven't read the books. This guy is to a knives what white socks are to sandals.
Will all episodes start wit this... totally anticlimactic voice? God but it's bad.
Whoo. Episode 1x02.
Cheerleader's father looks like a fuckin', freakin' pedofile. LIKE A BOSS
This girl is way to young to be this hott. I also happened to read she was barely legal wile filming this.
My soul cries when Mohinder speaks. It's not even his accent, I'm used to that one for some reason. It's his VOICE! Noo!
Yeah... Hiro. Is wierd. I have had sweater like the one he's wearing. Around 4th grade.
Oh? The comix thing is canon? Nice! All amrican shows of 200X are the same... --'
I would ship the hell out of it but Isaac is dead. Damn shame that.
The... John Connor guy. Whatever he's name is here and IRL is WAY too good looking to even attempt social reject-ery. He will fail at it.
Why would people use word "pretty" to describe Mohinder in ANY context? It's the last one on my mind when I look at him. I do feel kind of bad - in a racist manner - that he is wholly mud-colored to me. Hair, eyes, skin. Mud-man.
I am not generally attracted to young blond girls but this one? I would DO. Just so I could hurt her in a casual manner before, during and after. Like... Every day I would do her.
Wow... His emo!drawings are so skillful. Don't hide it. It's stick figures. Unless you would want to retain some sort of dignity. Then by all means hide it well.
Em... That woman is so matter of fact I... don't quite know what to say.
So... His emo is genetic? That is very insensitive of me to say because depressive disorders are not fun at all but yeah. His Emo is genetic.
Huh? I've seen this footage before with different dialog. Show just can not start to be cheap THIS fast. I've fucking SEEN this footage before in terrorist context! WTF?!
How the fuck should it be possible with a WORLD map as a start? Your father called a pet lizard after you. I can't decide whether it's sweet or disturbing.
Huh. This... wasn't actually Spock. I expected to hear Spock but I don't. I hate to compare a voice to a chocolate but yeah. This one is way more chocolate-y than Spock's was. Way less gay then actor's own though. Maybe not a long way.
Oh. Good! Not a world map but a location system. Good bay dark ages, hellou fake!science.
The blond girl I like. She's got a secret serial killer identity she knows NOT A THING about. Like Kira tried and FAILED spectacularly.
Oh My GOD! How emo will he get?
E. Effects aren't that good. And I'm confused to to why would anyone ship this as incest. People are weird.
This show is so funny! Especially when you're not expecting to get what's going on.
Why Eclipse?
At least he smarted-up. A bit. Oh. No. I'm mistaken. He didn't.
Mohinder. He looks like a girl. Next to a skinny, pale girl he looks like a GIRL. And his voice. I think fangirls would slash him with Sylar whoever wouldn't it be just by the way he says it...
Only people who aren't normal want to be normal. If you want it you're NOT it. If you're not it... Well. You CAN'T be it.
This kid. He sleeps like dead. I wish I could sleep like he does.
Well... With Sylar. Who, I imagine, was not a good example of mental health before he went and became Sylar. Or the man fangirls think would be sexually interested in you. As I said. Bonkers.
That did not sound like a gun shots. That was definite pew, pew, pew.
Oh so that's why so many people wanted to do him. He's the creep in exactly the same way Rorschach was. The way that gets fangirls' panties in a twist.
Wow. Cheerleader gig sure is dangerous, full of deadly traps and rapists.
Seriously. He radiates lame rather than gay. It's... quite spectacular really.
Isaac is quite hot. Lancelot wasn't! I think that's the marker of a good actor when I can say something like that.
Oh I would do her so many times...
Isaac... Is definitely the crazy one here. I kind of like the way he smiles when something horrible is about to happen TO HIM.
Kind of a heroine addict? Can you be "kind of" an addict? It's like being "kind of" dead or "kind of" in love. Kind of.
The way he plays with his hair... Is pansy instead of gay. Who ever managed to slash him?! Wait. I saw incest, I saw threesomes... I don't think he got reasonably slashed. I need to do more research.
This little blond girl. She... is so very awesome.
Temporal discrepancy... I'm crying right now because where timeliness shift? Can be no canon at all of any kind. Whatever went temporal never ended well. Not to my knowledge.
Different angles thing kind of works for me. Right now I like it.
You have to save the cheerleader. You know, the one who is your brother daughter and that lots of the fandom going to thing that you should fuck. Jury still out on this one.
Because it's either you or Sylar. And it can't be Sylar because Sylar is crazy, crazy, crazy.
Hahahahahahahaha!! The Neo!flight! I will never take that guy seriously now.
Mohinder. You are talking to a Emo. Of course he sounds mad! Also. Just you fucking wait for your mad. It's coming.
I don't know who the black guy with the pedophile is but I like him.
OMG! Delivery here... I kind of think the Peter guy is not a very good actor. Also. I'd read some Peter/Isaac if it exists. It should. If I can see it someone wrote it. Oh yeah I read it if it's out there. It;s out there. Delicious says not a lot of it but I don't need much.
Creepy! I like it!
They are remarkably similar Peter and Isaac. Actually. He got something in him, that guy, that makes him look a bit like anyone.
Iś... When this show turns bad... It's going to hurt. It's not bad right now. It's gaining potential. It will start loosing it shortly.
Stop fucking calling it evolution! Oj. Jeszcze nie przeczytałam co mam a już jakby uważąm że mijsce pana M jest na plecach albo na kolanach z zajętym pyszczkiem. Oj.
I kind of love this show right now. Save the cheerleader save the world!? Shame it... well. Crack never lasts. Music is also quite good. I like it.
Hum. I like while girls with black guys. It pleases me aesthetically as well as... well. In other aspects.
My god. Pedophile guy must be one hell of an actor if his daughter doesn't think he's creepy. With a wife like that?!
Argh it's so cute my teeth are rotting out. Luuuurv!
This girl. She is broadcasting willingness so openly she might as well be opening her legs. What is wrong with you Mohinder?!
Oh... Right. Wow. Mohinder. You have no luck with people do you?
I'm watching this show for slash! to see if there's any and NOTHING is going on! Oh damn. I just seen into the future and saw myself being very unhappy in the morning.
Really? That cool. Well... Yes, yes it is.
He might as well be made of wood for all attractive quatities he possesses.
I don't have a problem with slashing two guys who did the same girl. It's the same the other way around. Why?
Oh! The black guy can reach through things! I actually like that power somewhat fiercely and would want to have it.
What with the orange filter?
I... like watching people lie. I don't know why. IRL too. In real live more actually. It's very freeing.
The guy who can read minds is impressive. I thought I won't like him but I do. He is... not a comic relief. More like emotional relief. This whole show is some kind of emotional mindtrap really.
Is everybody in this freaking world "special"?!
I like people Sylar is going to kill. This is not a nice feeling.
I know it's not Spock and I like idea of Sylar... but until this character fleshes out in my mind this guy is Spock. This is unnerving.
Why... are they speaking English? I know India was a colony but come on!
Right. You belong there. Like a fist to a nose. Also. Peter is not the only Emo out there I see. How can you even project Emo in such a exotic climate?
Women throw themselves at you Mohinder. Why do you look lost?
Huh. Za szybko przewinęłam. Myśloodsiewnice znalazł czy jak?
Oh Sylar. I hope you will grow some style sometime. This was as un!classy as it could possibly be.
And change the glass in your fucking watch OK? This is pathetic.
I always go for weird eyes. Always.
Huh? The kid's voice. What with the dissonance?
Oh but that is SO Spock! OMG the same posture, same way of moving! Buahahaha! Oh... Wiki told me why he didn't sound like Spock before. And that he will now. Joy... Also. Dear India doctor. For creating Sylar you deserve whatever is coming at you.
Also, this guy is so very gay. No one and nothing will ever convince me he is not gay. It sould be against natural order for him to like women. Nothing personal, just... No. No way.
Hipstar glasses. On top of it all, Hipster Glasses. Good god...
Is he good enough to be able to replicate brain functions after only having contact with dead tissue? Intuitive aptitude wikipedia says. How freaking intuitive can you get?!
Future can not be anywhere near out DNA.
He pronounces it with "e" not "a". He also looks like dumb Neanderthal. See kids? That's what growing facial hairs can do to you.
That was Rorschach. I think what was actually pretty generic and wholly unconvincing.
Oh that's why people went for actual m/f frankly underage incest...
Brak rodzinnego podobieństwa mnie fascynuje.
Romantic non-con because this is the only fucking constellation where romantic could be reasonably placed with this pairing.
Oh got the scene with Sylar just... Doing what he wants when he wants it with this girl who could persuade... Hot enough to cause a sqee rage. Who didn't want to do Sylar by now, wants to after seeing this.
And little girl next to whom Mohinder looked like a girl gained enough points for me to consider her awesome with this one. I always, always respect people who chose to die by themselves.
Ho Kay. Enough for now. I still haven't seen what I've been looking for but show turns out to be actually damn fun.
For now. Not for long.