Watching Tron, first time in my live.
This song? The one in arcade-den? Made of total fucking awesome in snortable form. Epic.
I have problem with main character or maybe just with actor. Does he have a personality? Why can't I see it? His face might as well be set in stone for all he uses it.
Em... I was told this movie was good. What is this shit? Also, why does this shit shines so much?
Yes. Do play with your balls some more.
What is wrong with delivery here?! x2
Is this movie targeted at poeple who already know what is going on? Am I supposed to reserch it? Is it a epic opus of some sort I should feel impressed by? I don't quite get why it doesn't try to be good.
I'm bored and I don't know what's going on.
This vision is wrong in so many ways... WTF?
Is this movie made wholly out of bullshit?
Having programs to be DJing the battle? Nice touch. Very nice.
So... this movie had only one purpose - to have a sequel. Lets hope sequel will be more worthwhile.